TIP : 3

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It was a common phenomenon for married couples to argue, Even If you and Wriothesley were one known to have the great and sweet love story. A common miscommunication could led into a big argument. And It was a normal thing for married couples but It was different with you and Wriothesley. 

Both of you didn't fight much because you two tend to be understanding so this time It was bad where even siegewinne didn't know how to handle the awkward and tense situation in the office. The fight broke when Wriothesley purposely left you out of the plan, That was the plan of Neuvilette. It concerned the three sibling, He abducted Lynette as per the plan stated but never consulted you about it because he knew you had soft spot about the sibling. Upon hearing the whole story you went mad for various reason.  

For reasons such as, It was linked with the Fatui, And the others were, They were children of the House of Heart which means they served Arlecchino. Upon hearing the news late you confronted him about it at your shared bedroom. 

"So, are you really not gonna tell me anything?'' You said calmly, deep inside you were hurt. He took off gaze at the book he was currently reading as he closed it. ''Tell you what?'' He replied calmly. ''The plan, I know you and Neuvilette planned something. Don't I also have the position in the Fortress so how come.. How come I didn't know?'' You said, Betrayal lingering in your voice. 

''Why are we discussing this, It already happened. It's useless to talk about this now.'' He said ruffling his hair, Your eyes widened. ''Wrio... those were children, and they're working for the Third Harbinger!'' Wriothesley stood up and turned his back at you. ''Are we fighting because of this?'' He asked. Shocked you scoffed as you averted your eyes, ''Fighting? I'm not picking a fight with you, and you know that.'' 

''Then what are you doing right now?'' He said facing you looking down, as his blueish eyes looked at you. ''Wriothesley,'' Calling out his name, He gave you a look before you continued. ''I'm your wife, And you vowed to me two years ago that you will not hide anything at me in the eyes of many people and our Archon. Was I... the only one keeping that promise? Was I wrong for worrying about you?'' You said, eyes started to tear up. Wriothesley's heart felt like it's being torn apart from seeing you shed tears, you quickly looked away wiping it as you turned your back at him. ''I'll... see you tomorrow.'' She said as she returned to sleep, back facing at him. 

At the Fortress of Meropide | 8:00AM

Wriothesley was signing some paper works, There was a inevitable dark circles around his eyes as he read those papers in his hands, Siegewinne saw this as he gave him his morning coffee. Last night he could not sleep a wink just thinking about you crying made him of guilty of thinking of even sleeping. 

Siegewinne could understand the situation better when she saw your state, You were in low-spirits and she guessed that you two must be going into some arguments, So she just tried to work trying hard not to be bothered by the awkward environment. You looked at the door. You knew you were not in the wrong, So why do you need to apologize? 

"It's clearly his fault. Why would I go apologize? Why do I always have to go and apologize to him?'' You mumbled as you huffed. Your thoughts went on how you were always the one to say sorry at him, And console him first because you can't take not talking to him for even an hour. But this time, You were not gonna say sorry. 

It was his fault. 

As time passes you became very hopeful that once the door of your office opens there's a Wriothesley going in, ready to apologize but you were greeted with pure disappointment as the ones entering is everyone but him. At afternoon  you became impatient as you stood up slamming your hands in your desk as your eyes twitched in annoyance. ''Is he really not gonna admit his mistake?!'' You said as you screamed internally but you saw the book in your desk, Yeah the guide book. 

You stopped gripping your hair as you opened the book. Let's get some fresh breathe by seeing what the book's advice has to offer. 

"Tip Number Three : Be more considerate and understanding, Hearing his side is important in every argument! Communication is the key!'' 

You closed the book in a swift motion as you smiled, Eye twitching as you kneeled down on the floor. ''Damn it! This book seriously knows my situation isn't it?!'' You sat back on your chair as you looked at the ceiling, Biting your lips as you looked at the portrait you had in your office. It was a portrait of you and Wriothesley. ''I didn't know his reasons..'' You mumbled. Someone knocked you assumed It was Siegewinne again so you told them to come in. 

Unexpectedly, It was Wriothesley holding a bouquet of Rainbow Roses. You looked at him, He looked hesitant as he rubbed the back of his neck. ''Look, Wife... I'm sorry.'' Your mouth parted as silence engulfed the room. You couldn't believe he was the one saying sorry. 

''N-No, I'm sorry too. I should have tried to heard your side of the story. Why didn't you let me know?'' He sighed and looked at you before finally speaking about the issue. ''I didn't want to include you, It was dangerous but It was the only way. Neuvilette had all of it planned, We didn't want to include you because as you said It was dangerous.'' He said. You looked at him. 

''You know how much... I don't want you to get hurt, I thought I was protecting you I didn't considered your feelings so... I'm sorry, okay?'' He said, You looked at him as you held his cheek as you laugh. "Did you pick these roses?'' You asked and he shyly looked away and nodded. 

''Lyney gave me the idea, and Lynette and Siegewinne helped me decorating it.'' You smiled as you kissed him. ''I'm sorry, and I also forgive you.'' He smiled and hugged you. 

Outside the Office door someone, Five heads were peeking at the door cheering as the Duchess and Duke finally made up! ''All that work was worth it!'' Siegewinne exclaimed as her eyes lit up staring at the couple. Lynette, Lyney and Freminet and the Traveler laughed quietly sharing the same joy as the melusine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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