A New School Year

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"Great work everyone!" Yui cheers for her teammates. "Let's pack up and go."

"We will win this year for sure!" Anko shouts, not able to contain her excitement.

"Let's make sure we have our fundamentals down instead." Yui tries to calm the girl down.

Anko freezes at her words, eyes widening, and looking straight at her Captain, Yui.

"So scary"

"That's intense."

Shivers rundown the teammates' spines when Anko gets intense like this.

Anko's jaw drops. "You can't say things like that! We have a whole new team ready to take on these new opponents! We need to believe in ourselves to show these first years a thing or two!"

Anko is shouting to her teammates and her arms flail making her teammates step back to avoid getting hit by accident. A mix of fear and excitement show at varying levels between the second and third years.

Yui pats her on the back, "Sure thing Anko."

The second years look at their Captain with awe so easily calming their enthusiastic teammate. The third year girls laugh and tease Anko. Anko pouts.

"With Anko as our secret weapon this year we will at least catch a few teams off guard."

"Yeah, I still can't believe she's been a libero all this time."

"It couldn't be worse than her blocking last year."

Anko's face turns red, "Hey! I told you I wasn't meant to be a front blocker and should be playing libero!"

All the girls laugh looking up at their very tall teammate before bursting out laughing thinking of last year's disaster of her being in the front line. Anko puffs her cheeks not appreciating their teasing of a role she never wanted.

"Alright everyone pack up," Yui announces and turns to Anko. "Don't stay too late, ok?"

Anko nods, catching the keys to the gym that Yui throws her way.

Anko stays behind to finish organizing some things for the first years that will come to practice next week. She smiles at her court before locking up not realizing how late it has gotten.

"Pass me another one!" a voice can be heard shouting from the boys' gym.

Curiosity gets the best of her, she peeks into the boys' gym to see two new players.

Must be first years. They are passionate, aren't they? Anko thinks to herself.

She watches as the orange haired boy tries to receive a basic pass only for it to go flying in another direction. He keeps getting frustrated and demands something to spike.

She is engrossed in how the setter is so precise but clearly making the pass a bit rougher than necessary. The orange haired guy gets a really hard pass only for it to deflect off his face and hit into the Vice Principal's. His toupee comes flying off hitting Daichi right in the face.

Tanaka cannot contain his laughter, thankfully covering Anko's laughter from outside as well. She goes running off the school grounds knowing nothing good will come from her being caught with the boy's volleyball team after that mishap.

I can't wait to tell the girls all about this and the new first years. I hope our first years are as enthusiastic as the boy's team! Anko grins a Cheshire smile still holding back laughter just in case she can be heard.


The next morning Anko runs straight to the gym to unlock it and get some basics setup for the afternoon practice. Her teammates start arriving to hangout before classes.

"You are sure in a good mood this morning," Mao puts an arm on the girl's shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm excited for the first years to join soon. And yesterday I saw something really funny."

"Really? What was it?" Mao asks while the other girls approach from curiosity.

Anko tells them all about the practice drills with the first year boys, becoming more animated with each detail. By the time she recounts the events leading up to the incident with the Vice Principal she is nearly shouting and waving her arms reenacting the scene, "And then the red head..."

"ANKO!" Yui shouts to get her and the team's attention.

Anko turns on her heels to face the very man she ran from yesterday. Trying to hide her facial expression switching between horror, panic, and laughter. She does a horrible job making Yui glare at her. She hides behind Mao for protection.

"Ms. Aone is something funny?" the Vice Principal glares suspicious of her antics.

Anko instantly reverts to her casual tone when not talking about something related to volleyball.

"Nothing at all, sir. Only trying to get the team excited for this year's season," she tries to cover, while avoiding eye contact entirely.

Her teammates' snickering doesn't help her sell it. The Vice Principal continues to glare at her. Yui steps in as a Captain to save her underclassman from getting detention.

"Well sir, as you can see we have high spirits for this year," Yui sends glares at everyone with extra attention towards Anko.

"When our first years start practice with us we will be better than ever," Yui continues while guiding the Vice Principal out of the gym.

Anko lets out a breath while her teammates burst out laughing.

"Anko I can't believe how quickly you switched from volleyball mode to everyday mode."

"Right! She basically had a switch turn off in her head that saved her from getting detention for sure."

"You are all so mean to me," Anko becomes shy and pouts at her teammates.

They laugh not believing her at all, but tackle her in a hug before closing up the gym again so they can get to class.

Anko takes the long way around the school since she has plenty of time to get to her class. She sees the red head and the setter again. Both looking distressed standing outside of the gym.

Did they get kicked out already? It is only the second day. Poor guys I'm sure they will get back in soon, Anko thinks to herself.

During lunch Anko heads to the team's clubroom to relax. Since the cafeteria is louder than usual with everyone trying to meet up with friends and talk about summer.

"Hi Kiyoko. Trying to get away from all the noise too?" Anko greets Kiyoko, the boys' volleyball team manager.

"Yes. The first years are very excitable this year," she explains in her neutral tone.

Anko always appreciates Kiyoko's calmness. They talk more about the first years and how there will be a match between them tomorrow.

"You are going to play a scrimmage already?!" Anko's excitement burst at the thought of a game. "Do you think I could come watch?"

"Sure," Kiyoko responds simply.

Anko's energy skyrockets thinking about a game. But as they approach the clubrooms, she moves behind Kiyoko hiding her face from embarrassment.

Kiyoko looks in the direction that caused Anko to become shy, gasping at the sight of Tanaka not wearing any pants. Yui comes out of the girl's clubroom hearing the gasp and expecting Anko by now.

"Tanaka what are you doing!" Yui yells. Dragging him back into the boys' club room by his ear and throwing him in.

She stares down their Captain, Daichi, "Teach them some manners! And quit freaking out Anko and Kiyoko!"

All of the guys shiver at the Captain's outburst and intrusion. Nodding their heads in full agreement. Even Tanaka, who is upside-down, crumpled against the wall.

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