The beginning of a lifetime's journey

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This is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes and how we saved the world. 80% of the world's population possesses a superpower called a quirk, whilst the other 20% is quirkless still. In a society relying on a quirk based hierarchy, where quirks and their mutations are either admired or rejected, where greed for power and need for revenge seeps in the deepest depths of everyone's soul. No one is an angel nor a divinity that should be worshipped merely because of what they have or how they act, because they're still human at the end of the day, and humans are weak. No one is a true devil either, since the devil is an invincible and deceiving creature, and the human being isn't invincible. But a hero with a noble heart is the society's guardian angel, and a villain with a sinister spirit is the society's devil. But even that can vary. A villain could be a misunderstood person or an unsaved child, and a hero could be nothing but a mere seeker of power, praise and fame who keeps flashing a smile and convincing the people that everything is alright when it's not. So whose fault is it that everything is corrupted still? Are heroes really that trustworthy? Are villains really in the wrong? Is the law the ultimate form of justice?

Timeline: The entrance exam to the prestigious school of U.A.

Yumi Katsuri POV:

The sun is shining brightly and the gentle breeze in this cold fall warms up everyone's mood and brings a certain peace to the Japanese city. Certainly the clearly oversized cloak that's bearing over my shoulders, shielding my head and my slim, frail figure is a perfect fit for overheating under such a burning sun that most citizens are considering a blessing after the couple months of withering cold. The soft white silk surface of the large cloak giving off a feathery look, almost like the feathers of a pure angel, and its heavy fabric that makes it a perfect resistant coverage for an icy climate isn't the best choice for this weather, but I also feel the need to wear it for this occasion. My lower face is covered with a normal face mask I found laying inside my first aid kit, with the purpose of hiding my identity to any of the people walking by the streets. My steps are steady yet graceful, but also greatly calculated, and the faint sound of my heels clacking against the hard concrete gets buried by the honking of vehicles, chatters of pedestrians, construction of some buildings in progress and other overstimulating sounds one would normally hear in a modern city. My stern gaze wanders off to the numerous teenagers rushing in nervously towards the same destination, their middle school uniforms and innocent, careless faces implanting a faint envy in my heart and stiffening my chest. I rarely ever walk by myself on the streets, so this foreign sight is making me quite uncomfortable. If things didn't go wrong, would I have had the chance to be as careless as those teenagers? I shake that thought as fast as it had popped up and turn my attention back to my path, mentally recalling the map of the city I memorized last night. I'm getting quite tempted to just call my chauffeur and drive off back to my penthouse to study in peace at this point. I touch the sapphire gem on the clasps of my cloak and caress it gently with my thumb to remind myself of my initial goal. I take a deep breath, wipe off the little beads of sweat that are accumulating on my forehead with the back of my hand and start speeding up, hoping I don't get lost on my way to the prestigious hero academy, and to not get recognized by anyone. I take a quick glance at my watch, the least expensive one I could find in my closet, and realize I'm late. I probably missed the introduction and explanation of the entrance exam, but I already watched tons of videos about the exams of the previous years and consulted a few professionals in the field, so I have nothing to be afraid about.

Timeline: During the U.A entrance exam, inside the exam grounds, Battle Center B.

Izuku Midoriya POV:

People are gaining points so fast but I'm still with none! I've been running for so long but each robot I see gets destroyed! At this rate, I'm definitely going to fail! I don't want to be a disappointment to All Might. A lot of competitors seem to have great quirks and potential, but only Kacchan and a masked person are on top. Crap! I need to hurry, only 20 seconds in!

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