Chapter 16-Spotting lies using Body language

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★The Eye language

Upward Movement ~ Remembering a scent or smell from the past

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Upward Movement ~ Remembering a scent or smell from the past

Upper Right Movement~This is used for imagination, when you are creating a visual scenario in your head.The person may be thinking of a false story or forming a lie.

Lateral Right~ Construction of sound and words,again it's not a good sign if someone looks at their very right while answering a question, because they are most likely lying and coming up with false accusations or argument.

Lower right ~When you remember an emotional memory or a physical sensation you look towards your lower right.

Downward movement~you could be remembering the taste of that delicious home cooked meal you had yesterday or that fancy meal at the restaurant, whenever you remember a taste your pupils move downward.

Upper left movement ~ Remembering a past memory,it may or may not be your personal memory.

Lateral left movement ~ Remembering a sound ,voice,audio,song etc you've heard before.

Lower left movement ~ Remembering emotional memories or recognising your feelings towards an event, person or situation.


Note:This may be vise-versa in case of a left  handed person

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