Okay fine I forgive you. (5)

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(Don't you just love taking a long ass break from Wattpad :3)


"I know.. I'm sorry but just please forgive me and let me go with you guys.. or Sierra is gonna find me!" I begged, Noah looked at Tyler and Alejandro, then looked at me."Of course.. NOT. I won't forgive a jerk." Noah yelled,"Noah just forgive him. I know he's a jerk but just do it please..?" Tyler said." Fine. I forgive you now come on." Noah groaned,

"THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I said as I hugged Noah tightly. "Yeah yeah no problem. Get off me." Noah said as he pushed me off gently, we went away from Sierra heheh! Sigh.. I regret breaking up with Noah when he's injured at the hospital.. Noah was right. It's so wrong. "Hey Noah?" I said, "What." Noah said. "You were right at hospital.. I'm sorry. It was really wrong. I shouldn't had broke up with you when you're in that state.." I apologized.


Did he just apologized to me. Again? "You should be. Emma and Kitty are pissed at you because of that incident at hospital. You should apologize to them or I won't forgive you anymore." I said, "Oh boy.. Listen here, I didn't mean the names and these words I said to you at hospital.. I'm really sorry for being careless. It's just that, Sierra kept stalking us when we were together.." Cody explained. "... That bitch. She won't leave us alone." I said.

"Yeah.. So. Are we together again?.." Cody asked, "Didn't you have to apologize to Kitty and Emma?" I asked." Oh right." Cody said as he took his phone out, texting Kitty and Emma."Hey guys. I'm sorry for being a jerk, I didn't mean these names and these words I said to Noah at hospital.. And I didn't mean to break up with him when he's injured at hospital.. I know you guys won't forgive me.." Cody texted.



I need to check on my Codykins! I went down the stairs... CODY ESCAPED?! I NEED TO FIND HIM. I went up the stairs, walking outside. I kept looking for Cody,"Codykins..?! Get back here." I yelled. I spotted him with his friends oh of course with his pathetic ex Noah. Cody looked back at me then looked at his friends, his ex in fear. "Guys.. Sierra found us. RUN!" Cody yelled as they ran away. "Damn it." I said,

I chased after them, but they were too fast. Damn it.. Damn you Noah and Tyler, Alejandro.. You made me lose Cody. I will get my Codykins back.. I WILL.



Cody panted heavily after running. Noah and Tyler, Alejandro did that same thing as Cody, "What the fuck just happened." Noah asked. "Noah.. Sierra, she's gonna kill you and our friends for revenge. Can we just please get together back..? I won't ever hurt your feelings! Please.. Please.." Cody begged. "Hold your horses. Did you even apologize to Kitty and Emma abt what happened at the hospital?" Noah sighed."Guys. Can we just damn go back to our dorms. It's fucking getting dark outside." Alejandro chimed.

Noah rolled his eyes as he and his friends, Cody went to their dorms. Cody checked his phone, he received a text from Emma. "Do you even apologize to Noah? If so then I forgive you but if you do it again you're not getting another chance." Emma texted, "Yes I did apologize to Noah." Cody texted back. "Hey Noah uh.. Yeah I did apologize to Kitty and Emma for my actions." Cody said, "Good." Noah said. "Soo.. Are we back together?" Cody asked, "Mhm." Noah agreed.


"I love you so much, I'm sorry for leaving you like that.. I wasn't thinking.." I said, "It's okay but what just happened to you?" Noah asked. "Oh well.. Well, after we had this amazing moment a few weeks ago.. Sierra called me and uh... She threatened me to kill me if I didn't break up with you.. And you know, I had to do it because you were so important to me. And I had to change my attitude for that. I'm sorry." I explained, "Oh.. That stupid bitch." Noah said.

"I know." I said as I tried to kiss Noah, he kissed me back.. Whoa.. It was so great to have him back. I'm so happy that I have him back, I feel bad for him after what his mom did to him.. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." Noah said, we hugged. Goddamn fuck you Sierra. I love Noah more than you Sierra.. I lied. I don't like you Sierra.



Huff.. Huff.. I hate Noah.. So fucking much. He's damn a slut. No idea why he's always with Cody, I bet I will find Noah and kidnap him. I ran to Cody's and Noah's dorm, it seems like they're asleep. I sneaked in, I went into Noah's room. I smacked Noah to knock him out so I could drag him to my basement.. Hehe.. I dragged him out of his room and his dorm.. Mwahah.. After that, I tied him up in the chair. I laughed evilly, Now Cody is mine.. Hahah.. Mwahaha... The next morning, I called Cody. "Cody Emmett James Anderson.. I have Noah. Hehe.." I said. "WHAT?! NO SIERRA. YOU JUST CAN'T DO THAT! LET HIM GO!" Cody yelled as he was on the call with me Heheh..

"Oh, yes I can do that. Now you will be together with me.. If you don't agree, Noah dies." I threatened Cody. Cody immediately ends the call, I guess I have to kill Noah. Bye-Bye Noah. I was about to get a knife to kill Noah but someone knocked on the door. I went to get the door, THERE'S COPS?! You rat Cody.. "Ma'am you are under arrest for kidnapping and threatening people." The police said as he cuffed me.. And there was Cody behind them. "You bitch.. You snitched on me." I growled.


Anyone help me..? Anyone..? I heard someone running..? There was cops coming in. They untied me, "You okay sir?" The police asked. "Yeah. Thank you." I said, I saw Cody standing in the doorway." Babe, I'm glad you're okay!" Cody said as I ran to him to hug him,"Oh my god. I don't know what's wrong with Sierra." I said."Yeah.. She's getting crazier and crazier.. But now you're okay!" Cody said. We kissed.

(I'm too lazy 🥱🥱)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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