Chapter 2 • The First Summer

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I rise from my desk with a groan. I shrug off my jacket and toss it on my chair. I roll out my shoulders as I pace.

Luca and I have been working on finalizing a new shipping route. Instead of cutting through Spain, paying off their military in the process, we've figured out a more direct route. We recently bought an island within the Caymans that'll serve as our half way point.

He's been working on the paperwork for his end. Creating fake shipping logs, securing room at the shipyards, paying off cops. And I've been doing the same on my end. Falsifying cargo documents, manning the vessels, reinforcing safety measures.

It's not the most stressful task I've been given but it is time consuming. I must've fallen asleep in here as the sun is shining bright in the sky.

I stride over to the window that overlooks the yard. From here I can see the expanse of the property. From the french doors all the way to the private beach. Movement on the pool deck catches my eye.

Rosa is lounging on one of the recliners. Large sunglasses perched on her face and some fruity drink in her hand. I crane my neck, looking for, well I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

My eyes widen as Maria pulls herself out of the pool. It's like she moves in slow motion. Muscles moving as she uses the edge of the pool as leverage. Inch by inch her smooth skin emerges from the water. She finally gets to her feet and I swallow hard.

She wears a flimsy yellow bikini. Her tanned skin shines against the contrasting color. Water droplets race down her skin and she tosses her head back, hair falling away from her face.

I tilt my head as she grabs a towel. She has a tattoo. I can't quite make out what it is from here but ink is embedded in her hip.

I turn from the window quickly, adjusting myself. One of the biggest rules my brothers have drilled into me my entire life is to never let a woman distract you. Never let your desires outweigh logic.

But fuck; this girl is dangerously distracting.

I return to my chair with a huff. There's no way I'm going to be able to focus right now. Not a fucking chance. Not with that girl, barely clothed, on my property. I need to do something about this. I need to make her put on some fucking clothes.

I leave the office and jog downstairs. I disregard my soldiers as I move through the halls. The doors to the backyard are held open by a guard. I take a deep breath before walking outside.

I can hear them talking the second I leave the building. Their voices get louder the closer I get.

"Boys are a waste of time," Rosa declares.

I stop, hidden by the corner of the wall, and listen.

"Oh, I definitely agree," Maria laughs.

"You have to hold out for a man," Rosa continues. "One who has his shit together."

"Do you have one of those?" Maria asks.

My brows furrow; of course she does. Rosa and Gio have been in love since before I was born. By no means am I saying that their relationship is healthy. But they're the ultimate end game.

"No," Rosa chuckles. "The best I have is a toxic back and forth."

"Honestly?" Maria sighs. "I'd probably settle for less."

A rush of heat fills my veins. She shouldn't settle. She shouldn't have to. My jaw ticks and I finally reveal myself.

"Enzo!" Rosa exclaims with a grin. "You gonna come swim with us?"

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