Chapter 4 - Ice Stripper

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Natsu's POV

Gr, those idiots are always too loud. Why must they party for every stupid reason? I watched Lucy talking with the short bookworm named Levy McGarden on the first floor. She was still a strange, but interesting girl. I was surprised she wanted to join this stupid guild but at least now I can keep an eye on her. That expression she made earlier kept crossing my mind. What was she thinking about? What made her look so depressed? I must learn more about her. Maybe it'll explain why she's not intimidated by me.

"Hey Natsu" Happy called as he flew up to sit on my table. Something seems to be on his mind. I hummed in response to let him know I was listening. "I'm worried about Lucy. She looked so sad earlier and I can tell she's hiding something" he said. I nodded in agreement and focused my eyes on Lucy.

After a few minutes of watching Lucy, I noticed someone looking up at me. It was the Ice Stripper and my rival, Gray Fullbuster. He glared up at me and then flicked his eyes towards Lucy. A growl erupted in my throat. I could tell he was planning something against me that involved her. I watched with calculating eyes as he walked over to Lucy. "Hey, Lucy right? I'm Gray" he greeted. Lucy smiled at him. "Yes that's right. Nice to meet you" she replied. She's so innocent and naïve.

"So, what's the story between you and Chaos?" Gray asked while pointing his thumb my way. I glared at him harder. 'What is he trying to do?' I wondered as I tried to see what his game is. "Oh you mean Natsu? Well, I was-" "Wait. Did you just call Chaos by his name?" Gray interrupted in surprise. "Yeah? I don't understand why everyone is afraid to call Natsu by his name, but Natsu doesn't seem to mind me calling him by his name" Lucy said. I quickly looked away when she turned to glance at me, pretending that I wasn't listening to their conversation.

When she faced Gray, I continued to watch their conversation. "Interesting" he commented in deep thought in only his underwear. "Where did your clothes go?!" Lucy screamed and quickly looked away. "Crap!" he exclaimed and quickly put his discarded clothes back on. This was why I call him Ice Stripper. He uses Ice Make magic and for some reason, he has this weird stripping habit. Once he was dressed again, he apologised and told Lucy that she could look again. She hesitantly uncovered her eyes.

"Anyway, you wanted to know how I met Natsu and Happy?" she asked, bringing the earlier topic back and Gray nodded. "I was in Hargeon looking for rare celestial gate keys when I was knocked to the floor by Natsu" she started explaining how we met. 'I'm pretty sure she was the one who bumped into me' I thought. "After our brief interaction, I tried to leave when Natsu suddenly grabbed my collar. I thought he was a creep, so I summoned Loki my Celestial Spirit" she continued. 'Wait, she thought I was a creep?' I rolled my eyes. 'In her dreams' I thought. "Needless to say, he took down my spirit impressively quick before throwing me over his shoulder. Some events happened after that but when they told me they were going to Fairy Tail, I willingly came with them" she finished.

"Really? You willingly came with Chaos? But what about your family? Won't they be worried" he asked. Lucy's face became distant and she looked away from Gray. "No they won't" she replied with no emotion. 'There's that expression again' I thought, leaning forward in my seat with interest. Gray raised his hands up in surrender, "sorry, I can see that's a sensitive topic for you. If it makes you feel better, most of us here have family problems too" he said, apologetically.

Lucy snapped back into her happy self. "I'm glad I'm not alone. Anyway, I better look for an apartment before sunset, since I'm going to be living in Magnolia from now on" she replied and turned to leave. Gray grasped her shoulder and I growled. How dare he touch her. "Hey, how about I help you find an apartment? I know a few places looking for tenants plus it gives me a chance to get to know you more" he offered. Lucy smiled, "sure, I'd love the company" she replied. Together they began to walk towards the doors.

"Where's Lucy going with Gray?" Happy asked from beside me. "House hunting. Follow her" I ordered as I leaned back and Happy saluted. "Aye sir" he replied and then flew down to follow them in secret. I'd feel better knowing Happy was watching her. I don't like the idea or trust Gray to be around her.

'So, that expression earlier is something family-related?' I wondered, but I suspected it wasn't something as simple as that. There's more to the story that she's not willing to tell. I smirked as I leaned my head on my fist, she's the most interesting person I've met. My eyes glance across the rowdy guild until it landed on the old man on the bar counter looking up at me. His expression said 'don't hurt her'. I tsked, like I'd let anything happen to someone that interesting.

After a few hours of watching the guild party, Happy flew back into the guild and up to the second floor where I was. "Natsu, Lucy found a nice place" he said. I think it's time to head home and see Lucy's new place on the way. It'll be good to know where she lives in case I need to go there. I stood up and Happy followed me down the stairs. As I walked towards the guild doors, everyone near me noticed my presence and scurried out of my way.

Happy led me to Lucy's new apartment and I looked up at it from the street. It was a two-story apartment house with red walls and a dark-brown sloping roof. The building overlooked one of Magnolia's canals. It was a simple apartment not too far from the guild. My eyes noticed a window to the second floor and I was curious to see inside. I jumped up to the window and opened it. She had all her bare necessities but it was comfortable.

A sudden scream made me finch and saw Lucy to my right. "What are you doing in my bedroom?!" she exclaimed and I decided it was time to leave. I've done what I came for. I jumped down from her window and continued walking towards our house at the edge of the city. "See you tomorrow Lucy!" Happy called out behind me with a wave. "Ah, see you tomorrow!" she called back with confusion in her voice. With Lucy in Fairy Tail now, I wonder what tomorrow may bring.

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