Chapter 280

841 49 8

TL by Miru

Alone amidst obscured vision and sense of smell...

An incoherent thought raced through my head.


Being alone meant being responsible for everything yourself. Contracts, reporting, payments, overdue bills — the responsibility for all actions and mistakes demanded by society fell on me.

The risks and pains resulting from my decisions and actions were all mine to bear, without the possibility of sharing them with anyone because I had no other resources.

'It's okay.'

Yet, such things become familiar over the years.

It was not like I was the only one who lived like this, was I? Even if something shitty happens or things get tough, it means I can still manage to live somehow.

'I was able to handle it.'

But situations that can't be handled... do they not eventually occur as well?

'I can't guarantee they'll never happen.'

Like what happened to my parents... when a sudden disaster strikes, that is...

If a fire breaks out.

And if I happen to be sleeping, injured, or ill at that time... in an utterly powerless state where I am unable to do anything?

'There are too many pitfalls.'

Letting my guard down meant death.


A drop of cold sweat fell on my feet... no, it felt strangely heavy from a single drop of liquid that fell on my shoe.

'Is this real?'

The smell was acrid.

But I couldn't see anything to verify...

"Park Moondae!"

Suddenly, cutting through the silence, a voice called out.

And something landed on my shoulder... It seemed like a hand. A hand that was not mine.

"Are you okay? Just stop for a second."

Was I walking?


My response came out reflexively.

I took a deep breath and stopped walking.

Then, unasked, I spoke.

"I thought there was a fire..."

"It seems like it's a special effect because the escape time limit is getting close."

A special effect.


To spice up the atmosphere at the end, effects like a building collapse could be added to the content.

I lifted my head.

The light was leaking from the corner of the corridor in front of me. It was the blue light of an emergency exit.


I had already walked out of the darkest blackout section.

I just didn't realize it.

The cacophony of alarms, distant zombie noises, and the artificial sounds of collapse finally reached my ears.

"You must have been startled going alone. It's good that I followed."

Become an Idol or Become Deceased! [fan translation] P.2Where stories live. Discover now