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Eden was horribly tired; she could barley drag herself out of bed. She took one big stretch... Pulled the duvet back... Swung her legs around... And layed back down with a massive flop.
"Ugh. School is so stupid." She groaned as she rolled back into a little ball. her alarm read 7:03am. late. Again.

Minutes later, Eden heard footsteps out her door then knocking.
"Eden! Get out of bed! School starts in half an hour, and we aren't driving you there again! Ok?" Edens mum hoarse voice screamed through the door.
"Alright..." Eden rolled her eyes and slowly rolled out her bed.
"You better be quick."

As soon as Eden was dressed and ready, she sped out the door and hung her back over her shoulder. As she walked (at a pace), she scrolled intensely on her phone. No messages. None from her friends, cousin... And obviously none from her crush. His name was Ryan, and he was in all her classes at school. She barley ever texted him because she had always been too scared too. She thought he'd find out she likes him. The only messages between Eden and Tyler were things such as 'happy birthday' and 'merry christmas' and very few story replies.

Ryan wasn't popular at all. He was honestly kind of a nerd, but he wasn't bullied. His friends were just friends, not best friends. Every single friend he knew had an actual best friend. 'I know how you feel..' Eden sighed.

After she said that, some girls behind her laughed loudly, making sure Eden knew she was the one being laughed at.
"Look, it's the Ryan simp" said one of the girls.
"Haha! Ryan is so weird. Imagine liking a fat ugly nerd. Oh wait. You don't have to!" Said another girl.

Eden felt a tear build up in her eye
"Aww, crybaby." Giggled the second girl.
There were only two bullies, both of them eden had no clue what names they had.

Eden forced herself into the school gates, 20 minutes late, crying silently hoping that nobody will notice her pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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