Chapter 2

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When I arrived home, I saw three black cars lining infront, strange.

When I entered the house, I found my brothers waiting for me at the front door. They both looked nervous for some reason.

Victoria: What happened?

Jacob: Vic.....

Dylan: Nothing, mom and dad want to talk to you. Come on, they are waiting for you in the living room.

Victoria: okaayy....then let's go.

With that they walked infront of me and went to take a seat, at the same moment I saw my parents with two men one old and the other young and a young lady and it seems that the young ones are dating as they are holding hands.

Victoria: Hello, everyone

I said, nodding my head towards them, and they smiled apart from the older one. I took my seat and waited for my parents to talk.

Now about my parents, let's just say that they aren't the great ones here, they only run after money and they both fight a lot.

Charlotte/ mom: So Victoria, these are our guests, and they are the Knights' and they are going to take you in.

I took a long breath in and released it. I clutched my knuckles until they were white.

Victoria: they are what? And why?

Scott/ dad: yes, you are going to live with them.

Victoria: I'm 18 and I can make my own decision and I won't go with them.

Charlotte: Victoria!!!....please forgive her for this behavior, give me a minute, and I'll talk to her.

With that, my family left the site with me.

Charlotte: Victoria, listen to me, you are going with them and that's it. Please do us a favor and do it.

Scott: Yes, Victoria, we are in debt, and they are willing to let us go and give us some money only if we allow one of our kid go with them.

Victoria: So you are just sacrificing me now.

Charlotte: Please, Victoria, we can't lose your brothers, and we don't know what they will do with them, but you are a girl and still studying, and maybe they'll go easy on you, dear.

I looked at my parents with hatred in my eyes. I knew that they didn't like me, but I didn't know that they would hate me that much that they are willing to let me go with some strangers.

I then looked at my brothers and saw that they were looking down and had a guilty look on.

Victoria: I'll go but just know that it isn't because of you, mom and dad, I'm going because of my brothers.

I went to tell the guests that I was ready.

Old man: very well then, I'm Leonardo Knight, and this is my nephew Mike and his girlfriend Mira.

I just nodded my head because I didn't know what to say as I was holding back my tears.

Leonardo: Since you are still in college, I'll let you stay here for now, but once you finish, you are coming with us.

Victoria: Why are you doing me this favor

Mike: That's the least we could do.

Leonardo: On weekends, Mike will pick you up and introduce you to our way of living.

I just nodded again.

Mike: Now we'll take our leave and I'll come pick you up in a few days.

Victoria: Okay.

They all left then, but the girl patted my shoulder before going as if telling me to stay strong.

After that, my brothers came to me and hugged me, and I knew that they were telling thank you, but they were still in pain seeing their sister protecting them.
But what they didn't know is that I would even die for them.

My parents had already left for work without saying anything, and after our emotional scene, we went back to our rooms respectively.

I took a bath and went to bed because I didn't feel like eating or doing something, and what I knew was that I cried all night until I fell asleep.

Tʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴅᴀʏ....

I didn't want to wake up. Everything hurts , but I wasn't hurt physically. The hurt from your loved ones really does break you. I got up lazily and went to my bathroom, I looked myself in the mirror, and there was a girl who lost her shine in her eyes. The girl that was carefree yesterday had no motivation today. I did my thing and got ready for school, I didn't make anything effort in dressing myself like I usually do, I don't feel like going to school either but it's better there than being at home.

I went downstairs to see my brother Jacob waiting for me.

Jacob: Let's go, I'll take you to school.

Guess he knew that I wasn't feeling well.

He took me to Starbucks to buy me something to eat and drink, but I didn't have any of it no matter what. He then dropped me to school, he even told me that I could stay at home but I said no.

I went inside the school and to my locker. I was removing my books for my class and putting my head on the locker, trying to calm myself. I went to class early so that I wouldn't come across my friends.

The first and second class went okay, the teacher told me to rest as she thought that I seemed unwell. Now I had the third and fourth period with Angela, she came to class late and she went to take a seat, she looked at me but I had lowered my head on the table. After class, I ran and went to my next class and it was now lunchtime and went to hide in the library but unfortunately Angela caught my hand and dragged me out of the school where Mason and Damien was waiting.

Mason removed my hoodie from my head, and they were shocked with my appearance. They all came to give me a hug, and the couple left, and it was just me and Damien.

The couple knew that Damien was the only one who could handle my mood swings, and I also felt protected with him, and I knew he won't judge. That's why I like him. He hugged me and held me into his arm and went towards the parking lot. Guess we are going home.
He took me to our favorite spot, there was no noise, he kept on holding me for the rest of the day

He then dropped me home and didn't even question me, and with that, he left. When I got home, I ate something and went to sleep but before that I got a message from an unknown number.

𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧:𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘o 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎. ~𝙺𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

Erghh , I hate it....I decided to go to sleep and not go to school for some days to handle myself. I messaged Angela and told her that I won't be coming to school for some days and she said it was alright. I even told my brothers to tell the school that I won't be coming and they didn't even object it and with that, the day ends.

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