Time To Go (Luke)

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The night was restless.

Tossing and turning. Heavy exhales.

Holding back the tears. No sleep.

How could I sleep when the best thing that ever happened to me was going to leave me shortly after I woke up the next morning?

I wanted to use every minute of the time we had left together, even if it meant staying up all night and dying of exhaustion the next day. But I knew I couldn't do that, Luke needed his rest for his travels.

I don't know how much sleep I got, but I knew it wasn't much by how heavy my eyelids were when I felt Luke wake up to take a shower.

I lied in bed, still half under the covers as I watched Luke pull on his shoes. I didn't want him to go.

"Come back to bed," I whined as he grabbed his carry on bag for the plane, scanning the contents of it to make sure everything was there.

"I wish," he said giving me a small sad smile.

I let out a deep breath, upset with him having to leave. He walked the few feet over and sat on the bed next to me giving me a gentle smile.

"Stay a few more days," I said quietly, trying to not let my voice crack. We had been separated for months, having only two days together was rough. But it was better than no time at all.

"You know I can't," he said placing his hand on top of mine.

My head fell slightly, I knew he couldn't. I nodded and sat up in bed before removing the covers and getting ready to take Luke to the airport.

After coming out of the bathroom, I pulled on my shoes. Once I was all ready I gave Luke a smile and nodded my head towards the door to tell him I was ready to take him to the airport. He walked over to me gently wrapping his arms around me before placing a soft kiss to my forehead.

"I love you," he mumbled against my skin. I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tight before we pulled apart. He took my hand in his and we made our way out the door.


Hey guys! I decided to make this "book" because I have some left over things from old stories, or things I never even put in my stories! It will be randomly updated, but you guys can feel free to inbox or comment requests if you have any!! (Also don't be surprised if a majority of these are luke bc luke girl)

second update:
Alright so the first six of these are gonna be Luke because wattpad is making me publish in order that I've drafted them, and I wrote the Luke ones first, so bare with me and then we'll get to the other boys! I'm sorry!!

You can tweet me as well, @MaineGaskarth :-)

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