Chapter 1

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"I wish not for my funeral to be mournful or sad, but instead a celebration for what time I did have, it was one of the many things I remember Lily saying,that's why my dress is yellow...because yellow is suppose to be a happy color. although I never actually believed she could leave so quickly from all of our lives. another thing I recall her telling me was, if you went to a garden and were allowed to pick one flower, you would pick the most beautiful. and that's why the best of people never last long. it was amazing how everything she said was either a quote of someone else's or something that would later become a quote. She was truly. truly something. she saw the things wrong with the world but somehow was able to twist it into something enchanting, like a break-up. She always said it meant you were just one step closer to finding the person you would spend the rest of your life with... She should have had a much, much longer life but in the end I guess she was right . I mean she always was. the most beautiful flowers do get plucked from the garden first. " I slowly made my way back to my seat, knowing eyes were still focused on me, but only for a moment until paster Doug got back to the mic.
"Thank you, Cassie for your wonderful words. now let us pray. God please make sure Lily makes it safely to heaven, she was a wonderful person. make sure her family and friends are able to move on. Amen." (I'm not very good at that praying stuff so if anyone knows what to actually put to make it sound better, please comment!) "Amen." we all chorused back towards him.
as he exited the stage a projector sent up an image of her smiling looking as pretty as she always was, but the picture faded and music came on as a video of us as children came up. We were dancing a routine to the song waiting for superman. I let a tear slip onto the yellow sun dress,as the next photo came up. It was a photo I had taken when we were at the mall trying on dresses for our graduation , the one she will never be able to attend. I couldn't take it anymore as I ran out of the room towards my car, people watched me run. They either had a look of Pity or plain disdain on their faces, but I didn't care because she was my best friend. As soon as I was away from the judging stares, I took a deep breathe and knew what I had to do. I got into my rundown 99 avenger and headed towards my high school.
Once I got there I went to the cozy office and asked for my certificate of graduation and ms. Waters gave me the oddest look "may I ask why?"
"I'm leaving town." I simply said hoping it would be enough to get her to give me what I needed.
She raised one of her perfect eyebrows and asked "oh, ...will you be returning?"
"No maim." and she got up and left the room. I sat down on the brown sofa and waited patiently, just observing. the office was the same from my first day of school to my last the only thing that changed was the calendar behind Ms. Waters desk. I still remembered my first day of freshman year, it was when I met Lily.
She had just moved here the day before school started. I was walking into first period , late might I add when I was shoved by someone pushing past me and fast walking towards the seat in the back. "Well that wasn't very nice" my new teacher said with a slight chuckle.
the girl that shoved me gave a sheepish smile "Sorry! It's just that it's my first day and I was late and hurrying, I didn't even see u until afterward!" She was able to say this all within one breath. She had long blonde hair that was perfectly styled into loose curls that perfectly framed her angel looking facial features.
"It's fine." I said quickly , not many people usually noticed me. And I wasn't even expecting an apology. Especially from someone as beautiful as her, she was the exact opposite of me. With my strait brown hair that reached 3 or 4 inches past my shoulder, and my dull brown eyes.
I went towards the last open desk near the front "Okay!" The excited teacher clapped her hands and began "as you all know this is English and my name is mrs. Thompson . I think we should start with introductions say your name , and then tell us two things about yourself. Lets start with you in the back corner." she said to William, he and I had always been in the same homeroom since 3rd grade. He had a mess of brown curls, nerdy glasses, and quite a lot of acne.
I turned and sent him a sympathetic smile, I would have hated having to go first. " u-um m-my name is W-Willia-am but I g-go by Will and ilikescienceandhave8sisters." he quickly stuttered out.
Next up was Brittany Carlos, the head cheerleader, soon to be prom queen, and dating the quarter back. " Hi! My names Britney Carlos, I love cheer and I speak French fluently." She stated confidently , flashing us all a dazzling smile.
Then it was the-girl-who-shoved-me's turn. wow I really needed to learn her name. she let out a sigh, as if preparing herself and said "my name is Lilah but I go by Lily. Ive recently moved here from California, and I , well, um I really love to read." she nodded as if silently agreeing with her self.
The rest of the introductions went quickly and I found the bell signaling I needed to haul ass to next period if I didn't want to be late. "wait up!" I turned around wondering who was supposed to wait up, to be surprised it was Lily shouting at... me?
" Hey I'm really sorry about that, I'm so embarrassed... Okay. you seem really cool so do you think u could help me find my second period?" Lily nervously questioned, and turns out we had 2nd together too. But little did I know that day, that her shoving me was going to cause us to become unbiological sisters.
Ms. Waters interrupted my thoughts as she came with my graduation certificate. "Here." she smiled. I didn't waste another second before rushing out the door. I quickly pulled out of the parking lot and drove back to my house to pack my bags.
The zipping of my last suitcase could be heard throughout the whole house. Everyone was still at the funeral, but it's almost 8 meaning they should be on their way back before long.
I rushed out, not even giving the house I grew up in a second glance. As I drive away a tear slips, and then another, but there not sad or mad tears, there happy tears. the laugh that suddenly escapes my mouth fills the absent air. This is what me and lily had planned, to go live our lives, and even thought she's not with me right now I Know this is what I want, because freedom feels so, so good.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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