wasted days

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i remember being told that life was short
too short to have any regrets
too short to not live it to the max
"you only live once" they say
i can pretend i'm living a life worth to be remember
but i'd be lying to myself
i can't count how many days i've wasted
wasted by staying in bed
wasted by scrolling on stupid apps
wasted by cutting myself from the world
all those days i won't be able to have back
all those moments robbed from me
the wasted days
"one life" they say running in the hallways
i wish i could say that too
"one life" and do it
"one life" and mean it
"one life" believing it
no matter how hard i want it will never be me
never be me that feel free
free of my own thoughts
i'm in a trap
a trap made by me
and all the wasted days
"life is beautiful" they say
but i can't see it
i can't see it from my prison even if i want to

the day i turned 15Where stories live. Discover now