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Chapter One - Han
Season 6 - Episode 5


HER RIGHT ring finger twitched as she rounded the corner moving her functional left hand towards the heavy familiar door. Pushing against the wood she would step foot into the room she had become so familiar with over the previous years noting that the small tiny family of which usually called it a place of rest and peace, today had significantly increased in size. The emails had circulated months prior, emails of which initially she had ignored. At the time they had seemed both gloomy and a little bit fanciful. She had fought to believe that the rumours were much more than that; rumours. 

For if there was one thing that Doctor Hannah Cole knew more than anything was that the walls of Seattle Grace Hospital could talk. And talk they did. For the second the transfers from Mercy West hospital had stepped foot upon the hospital corridor in their bright orange scrubs and starch white coats, the whispers had begun. And like quick fire they bounced from wall to wall, from janitor to attending. 

Hannah had yet to lay sight upon anyone sporting the bright orange colour, but she had heard plenty about the group. She knew to expect four new surgical residents on the other side of the door, waiting to join them on the teaching programme within the hospital. Part of her mind opened up in curiosity at the thought of them joining, wondering what their history was, what the teaching was like for them. Would they be more advanced in their training? Know of techniques and styles she did not? Would they be years ahead? She had little thought in regards of them being worse off than the Residents from Seattle Grace, as prior to its last few months of opening Mercy West hospital had a significantly better reputation than they did. She also assumed that most of these residents were probably not sleeping with their superiors, something which could not be said by either of her residency class or the one below it. 

Her feelings about the merger and the additional doctors joining them, those were incredibly complex. Hannah had never been one to shy away from competition, growing up with three older brothers tended to develop a person into a competitive individual. But knowing there was four more people at the same point in their residency as her, fighting for the same surgeries she would be, that was a little daunting. Hannah wasn't like some of her colleagues and friends who had pretty much come to find an area they liked the most or they wanted to specialise in. She wasn't even sure there were three areas she liked the most. 

She knew her colleagues, her friends, they all held the solid singular belief. That this merger was not going to bring anything good their way. That it would result in something bad. And despite how dearly she held them all in her opinions, Hannah could not find it within herself to feel that same way. But if she had to pretend to have the same opinion as them all to keep them beside her, she would do that. After she had lost George she found herself desperately clinging onto her remaining friends. Unsure on which direction she was to take now she no longer had her childhood best friend by her side. 

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