- introduction

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Before we start, I want to clear a few things up. First off, even though we don't know much about Laufey's romantic preferences, I'm not trying to label her or force anything on her. This is just a fun story, and everything here is made up.

I'm a busy college student, so updates might not be super regular, but I'll do my best. If you have any ideas or requests, feel free to share! The main character in this story is my own creation, but if people are interested, I could make a 'Laufey X reader' version. I just want to know if anyone would actually want to read it.

This story might not perfectly match up with Laufey's real life. But hey, I hope you still enjoy it. Thanks for reading!


Georgia Ellery as Mia Twyford

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Georgia Ellery as Mia Twyford. [Age 24]


Follow @fallingaways on Instagram! I'll be posting fun little edits for this story and any others I may write.

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