2nd bit

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Chapter 33
I heard hospital machines make noise. I saw bright lights breaking through my eyelids. I tried opening them but no luck. Eye crust has built, sticking my eyes shut.
Was... Was I in a coma?
No this couldn't happen. I have to be there for Anna when she wakes up. I had to be guarding her. I had to be in the same room as her. To catch her emotions as tears fall down her face. I couldn't be in a coma. Not at the same time as my best friend.
And to think,my grandma put me in this state. Would I really want her to watch over me when I wake up?
I moved my finger and that's when I realised I still had mobility of my body. That means I was in a coma but wasn't at the same time. I tried opening my eyes one more time and that's when I got blinded by the hospital lights. Bright as always. I was used to seeing them every week but this time I woke up to them.
I heard a shocked but panicked voice yell for a doctor as I desperately tried to sit up.
I recognized the room as if it was my second home. My second home for the last couple of months.
Posters on the wall about the body’s respiratory system. Heart machines were either side of me making me go partially deaf. There was a wall with a window on one side and on the other was a large spread out mint coloured curtain separating the room. From all the movies and series I've watched with Anna I knew that meant I was sharing the room with someone. As I stood to my feet,I tripped on a few wires and pulled the curtain down with me as I held for support.
I heard the door lock jingle with a big stack of keys and a nurse lady and a doctor appeared in the door frame.
“Lucy, are you OK? What happened?”the nurse asked but my eyes were locked in the now revealed room.
“Anna.Annalisa! Omg you're here. I'm not alone!”I sighed. A weight left my shoulders.
“Lucy, can you get back on the bed? We got some
news that I'll like you to lay down for it,”the doctor pleaded as I held Anna's hand.
“Tell me right here. I feel more comfortable here than anywhere else!”I yelled.
“Alrighty but I'll call someone in to tell you OK?”he asked, making sure I felt comfortable.
“OK hurry up!”
A woman then walked in. She looked like the adult version of Anna. She looked more like Anna than Amanda looked like Anna.
I was confused. I looked back and forth at them. Same hair colour,same eye colour and shape,exactly the same nose and facial features. They were identical.
“Hey Lucy. I know you don't know me but I know you. I’m Amanda's younger sister and Annalisa’s auntie. My name is Ava,”she said, offering her hand for me to shake. I shook it, accepting her kindness.
I never knew Amanda had a sister. I also didn't know Anna had any other family members than her mum,her grandparents,one uncle and a dad she didn't know she had.
“I didn't know Amanda had any sisters,”I said my gaze on her white converse.
“Yes, I was in Oxford for a couple of years. Amanda never told her about me because I wanted to surprise her on her thirteenth birthday party,”
“Oh right. What happened to my grandma?”
“She's in jail unfortunately. That's why I'm taking care of you. I'm sorry,”she apologised for no reason. It wasn't her fault. It Was my grandma’s. Taking Anna’s pollen allergy pills as if they were tic tacs.
“Where's Amanda and Kai? Why couldn't they have taken care of me?”
“They're on their honeymoon,”
“What but that was set on the first of February. How long have I been in a coma for?”
“One month,”she responded, eyes locked on Anna.
“What tha-”I felt a pulse under my hand,”Anna’s alive!”I yelled out
“What. Is she actually? Let me go get the doctor!”Ava ran out the room, tears rolling down her face.
I could hear chatter outside. Excitement outside. Heart monitor beeping in my ear.
“OH MY GOSH!”I eagerly yelled,"HER HEART!”
Three doctors appeared in the room and told me to get out for them to examine the body.
“I'm not leaving. She's like my twin. I can't just leave her here!”I protested.
The three doctors talked amongst themselves. Seeing my puppy eyes they couldn't say no.
They started the check up on her. Flashing a slit lamp in her eyes as if the room wasn't bright enough. One of them placed the lamp on the metal tool tray and picked up an otoscope to check her ears.
Another doctor was writing something on his clipboard with a labelled ‘NHS’ pen.
The third doctor was helping the first one by holding the ear in place.
The first doctor then again put the otoscope down and picked up something that looked like a capillary(thumb prick blood test.).
Doctor gibberish was happening. They talked about blood loss and stuff. Not sure what it ment but it sounded bad.
They've done more tests like checking her electrolytes and glucose and thyroid,kidney and liver function with an x-ray machine until they had one more test to do.
“We have to check the lungs and heart with a stethoscope and we should be done,”the first doctor said.
“But because she still hasn’t opened her eyes she'll still be considered in a coma,”the third doctor continued.
“You don't understand. I felt her pulse under my palm”I tried to convince them.
“Her eyes. They're open,”the second doctor said,pointing to her.
We all stared at her. It was true her eyes were open.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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