Deception I

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In the interrogation room, at the Central Police Station, the white-haired boy, Harry, was still being questioned. He had just revealed something vital about the murderer...
"He had purple eyes...?" responded Mr Ram, the detective cop.

"They shined so menacingly in the dark, they were...scary..." Harry hid his face in between his legs once again.

"Hmm... So he's a purple aura mage, he's a rare one..." Mr Ram uttered as he opened up the folder again. In the folder, right before the detective's eyes, words formed and the information that Harry's family was murdered by a purple-eyed man appeared in the files. Then he closed it and placed his focus on the white-haired boy before him, and what his true identity may be...

"It seems you didn't hear me the first time I asked, so I'mma ask again. Harry...? Are you by any chance...a mage?"

"A...mage? What's a mage?" The boy responded slowly raising his face in curiosity.

"Ah... You probably won't know what a mage is, that makes sense. However..." Mr Ram suddenly began to unbutton his shirt cuffs. "What are you doing?" Harry pondered as he watched the intriguing detective gradually lift and fold up his sleeves. "I wanna show you...something interesting..." He had gotten Harry's full attention with his vague words.

"Tell me, Harry, have you ever seen...aura?" Mr Ram asked with a playful grin on his face.

"Um, when you say 'aura', do you mean like magic?"


"Oh, is it like cards or disappearing acts like The Great Houdini?"

"Um... No, definitely not that..." Mr Ram thought, squinting his brown eyes as he did, 'Who the hell is Houdini?' then proceeded to squeeze both his fists, shut his eyes and focus on his breathing...
"In... Out... In... Out..." He said to himself as he was focusing on his breathing then he opened his eyes, "OK Harry, right this moment, let me show you a whole new world," then a golden brown glow emanated from the detective's pupils.


Meanwhile, back at the newsroom at P.N.S, the atmosphere was getting tense, the air stiffening and the newsroom got quiet, so quiet that one's breath could be heard. It was as if everyone had become completely immersed in the mysterious man's words, his hypnotizing words...

"As you all can see... No one this building can see me... Hehe, forgive the pun... Now... What am I?" The man tilted his head as he said those words. The man was creepy, calm yet eerie excited, his entire demeanour felt out of this word. Even his little gestures and mannerisms seemed... Abnormal, in a mystical sense.

His words seemed to ask for attention and he got it, every single eye was on him, not only the newsroom but the entire city that was watching the live broadcast and soon, even the world would be paying attention to his words that night.

"I am...a darkness that never leaves...! A chill that writhes up your spine...! I am someone with the capability to bring out your very own worst nightmares into reality! God chose me to become the villain that ends this story, I am...chosen! Your very own...killer mage!!"

He cracked up a maniacal chuckle for a bit then said, "As for who I am...? I'll leave it to you, my delectable audience... After all, this is only the beginning..." stated the killer mage with a graceful bow. He prompted to leave but then...
"Ah... Before I forget, some of you humans, 'Normals'...if you'd like to call yourselves that, don't realize what a mage is..., and what we're truly capable of...!" With a sudden touch on Ms Pathfinder's shoulder on the video which she didn't realize then, he stated with a creepy laugh, "Like this one...for example...! She...truly...fooled you all... Hehehehe...!"

The killer mage continued, "Hehehe, you see... This lady reporter here... She's # #### and y#u all n###r e##n..." There was loud static, coming from the speakers in the technical room, and the huge screen in the newsroom as if there was some kind of interference that was hindering the video and before anyone could respond to the technical difficulties, the huge screen blew up, "Ah...!! Some of the staff ran off screaming as it did, and then the lights went off in a frenzy. And when all was consumed by the darkness, with most of the equipment being destroyed.

From the technical section, "No, no, no, no! Not the tape, shit!" Ted exclaimed as the videotape ended up being destroyed as well, it was nothing but smoke and pieces now.

Unbeknownst to everyone, during the chaos, in that unpleasant darkness, at a corner of the newsroom, hidden from the cameras and peering eyes of the people were two people, a man and a woman who were focused on each other the whole time, holding each other's arms and staring deep into each other's eyes, one with glowing eyes of deep dark blue and the other of crimson red. Nobody knew that these two were the culprits of the destruction and chaos that befell the newsroom.

Later that same night, it was reported that there were a few more murders orchestrated by the same killer mage that same night...

[Reports are in! The killer mage strikes again this same night by murdering a total of 69 people from three different families.]


Harry's eyes glimmered with amazement as he watched the beautiful flow of golden brown flames gradually envelope Mr Ram's hardened fists

"What is that?" asked Harry.

"This... This is Aura, kid..."

Harry marvelled at the beauty of Aura. "It looks just like fire, it's so bright but it doesn't seem like it burns at all."

"It doesn't burn..."

"At all?"

"Nope, not even a bit. Also, not everyone's aura comes in the form of fire."


"Yeah, we've got auras that look like wind, light, water, lightning-"

"-Smoke? Can they look like smoke?"

"...Was it what you saw when the purple-eyed man appeared?"

Harry nodded his head.

"I see... Yeah, it can also look like...smoke."

Although the atmosphere of the room had gone down a bit, Mr Ram still held on to his cheery playful mood. With a slight chuckle and excitement in his already glowing eyes, he told Harry, "I don't show this to a lot of people but for you... I'mma make an exception." He stood up and faced the steel wall behind Harry. He opened his squeezed fists covered in golden brown flames, calmly uttered, "Aura Harden... Second Level! Haa!" and then smashed his left fist into the silver steel wall.

Once Mr Ram removed his left hand from the steel wall, what remained on it was a 20cm deep, fist-shaped hole. Harry stepped off the steel chair from which he was cradled and approached the hole, admiring it. His eyes showed wonder and amazement. "What...did you call this power, again? Magic?"

"Aura?" Mr Ram responded then with a gentle pat on Harry's white-haired head, he concluded, "And if you take your time to control yours, you'll be able to do this and so much more..."


The very next day, after that encrypted video message from the killer mage was seen on the news, there was a crazy influx of sightings and testimonials from people who came up and claimed to have caught a glimpse of the killer in the neighbourhood, just before he escaped, almost as if he had disappeared into thin air.

[Some witnesses claim that they caught a glimpse of the killer in a long dark hooded robe. Witnesses also described the killer as a man and that he had a limp from a bleeding injury on his left leg.] All of which were accurate to what was seen on the video.]

Everyone was searching for the elusive killer mage but couldn't find him, not even a trace...

[Last night's event has become a truly terrifying case as it will now be called 'The Massacre'. Many more investigations are being extensively executed to find the extremely dangerous and murderous killer mage, whom officials have deemed to call...]



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