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After closing the door to my tiny bedroom, I sat on my bed and let the tears flow. There was nothing else I could do except sit and cry while taking in the immense weight of stress that was coursing through me. 

How long was I going to be trapped here? Hayward mentioned that we were going to be trained to become soldiers, but was it necessary to unlawfully experiment on newborns? Did this man have no morals? That was obvious. 

I never imagined myself joining the military. Focusing on my schoolwork and keeping my grades up were my top priorities for getting into the university I dreamed of since I was a child. So far, I've been doing an excellent job of that. Was this going to ruin my chances? No, I doubt that. Once people realized I'd gone missing, they're sure to make an exception for me, right? My teachers are all pretty understanding. They're not going to dock my grades for something like this. 

I thought about my mother and how much I regretted not hugging her before Emily and I left. Surely she knows by now that her son could be in danger, so she had to have called the police station by now and filed a missing person report. Once they realize that multiple other people are missing, they should figure out there's a more significant situation. 

Was it pointless to hope that we'd be found? The Supreme Leader is the person keeping us hostage, and I don't think they can search his home without his permission. I figured he was above the law if he managed to get away with what he'd already done. 

As much as I wanted to hope, the more I thought about it, I was better off picking my chin up and focusing on surviving the inevitable. If I kept relying on something that might never happen, I'd be blindsided and end up dead. I don't think Hayward wanted to kill me, but he didn't show any restraint after the incident earlier with the girl with fire. If I didn't cooperate, it could mean my life. 

I needed to look out for Emily as well. If something happened to me, she'd be left alone. I couldn't let that happen. We already lost Xavian...

The tears fell harder onto my bed sheets. Xavian...oh my God. I couldn't fathom what his precious mother was going through. Two long days had already passed, and I doubted the situation was any better. Did she or anyone else even know he was dead, or was his death covered up similar to our abduction? Do they think he was part of the abduction? 

What did they do with his body? My eyes widened at the thought. My mind raced with the possibilities. How did they dispose of his body? Did they bag him up and bury him? Did they burn his corpse somewhere? If so, what did they do with the ashes?

The sadness rapidly turned into anger. I stood up and made a scooping motion with my hand in an attempt to break the door down with my ability, mostly out of anger rather than trying to escape, but a harsh voltage of electricity scorched my body, bringing me to my hands and knees, screaming in pain until it relented. 

A few seconds passed, and the intercom buzzed to life. "There's no point in using your power, Alpha. The cell senses any abnormalities and automatically sends a shock through your body. We've been over this." 

"I have a name," I responded, gritting my teeth. Sweat was dripping down my forehead, mixing with the tears streaming from my eyes. "I'm not your Alpha, you narcissistic son of a bitch! I am my own person!" 

Hayward laughed through the intercom. "Don't worry. Tomorrow, all of the anger will be released through our physical and power training. Get some rest. You have a big day coming up." 

The intercom clicked, signaling that he cut the microphone. I staggered to my feet and sat at the foot of the bed. Holding the sides of my head, it was difficult to fathom the situation I was rashly thrown into. How was I going to get through this? How could any of us survive without going insane? What would happen if we weren't good enough for the Supreme Leader and his crew? 

Beyond ControlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ