Manhatten Lodging

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Almost as soon as the circulation bell rang Race arrived to Manhattan's lodging rooms and opened the door. Getting out of their beds Mush and Blink rushed over to Race as they began to tease the Italian about the prominent bruises that littered his neck.

"Oh who's the lucky lady"

"Did she kiss on you or maul you"

"Yeah thats oughta hurt at that point"

Crutchie then began to make his way over to Race.

"Holy Racer, that's why you weren't back last night?"

Although this occurrence happened many times before the newsboys were still curious kids and wanted to know everything every time.

"Igh get offs of me" Race spat at Blink and Mush. "None of your business, no she didn't maul me, no it ain't hurt it was just some kissin and yes that's why I was caught in Brooklyn" Race said responding to their questions. The newsboys seemed satisfied with Races answers and were about to ask more before Jack approached their group.

"Alright alright leave Race alone and lets him be"

Blink, Mush and Crutchie all walked away and began to get ready for their days. Race on the other hand began to tell his story to Jack making sure to add absolute detail and confidence within his words to make it seem true. Race explained to him the exact story he thought up on his walk home and even added what the girl looked like and how late it seemed to be out and how he really didn't want to spend the night in Brooklyn. Jack bought it but wasn't impressed with him.

"Race youse only 16 you caints keep doing this iss becoming a bad habit" the cowboy said looking down to Race, trying to get the Italian to listen to him.

"Ise can take care of myself, donts worry bout me Jacky" Race said as he pat Jacks shoulder and started to finish getting ready in his lodging house.

Newsboys flocked to Race to try and get the epic story of Races adventures in Brooklyn that night. Asking questions that Race has answered countless times. Many of Races answers were true to some extent, Race would answer the more personal questions as if it was Spot but a girl and it always seemed to work.

"Race, youse sellin' in Manhattan today?" Jack hollered across the lodging house.

"Am I selling in Manhattan? Wells of course I'm sellin in Hatten today cowboy" Race said with his classic Race smile as he walked up to Jack.

"Whys you standin around cowboy? These papes ain't sellin' themselves" Race stated. Race had that sort of charm to him, that charm that could light up a room and get anyone to laugh at his jokes and side comments.

"Ise wish they did" Jack uttered before playfully tapping race on the head with his bandanna. Race and Jack went back and forth play fighting until they were out of the lodging house. That's how they were with each other, they were playful, fun and honest with each other. Most of the time. Race wanted to be more honest with Jack, he didn't like being secretive to him. Race felt like he was betraying Jack in a way but he also knew that it was for the better and that he just couldn't talk about how he had been going steady with the toughest newsie and the king of Brooklyn for a year now especially with how Jack thinks of Spot.

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