A dream I had that I might make into a AU

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It starts as Dax getting lost from the group, scared and anxious, he ran around, before he finds some shelter, which he hides in, the days past and Dax realizes that the family left him, he then, as a really small duckling, had to find out how to survive, the years past and he became a 16 yr old, the only way he found out to survive was to kill his own kind and other small animals for food since he was in a forest with no ponds or lakes or rivers nearby

Gwen, now 11, was flying back to the pond when she crashed into a branch and fell into the forest Dax was in. She got up and looked around the dark place. She heard her parents call out for her, so she tried to fly up to them, but her wings were broken so she couldn't, she couldn't yell since she was afraid that she would attract predators, so she kept quiet, her parents quickly left to search elsewhere..

Gwen tried to find shelter and found Dax's shelter. She thought it was abandoned, so she went to it before getting tackled. Dax was the one who tackled her. He had a spear he made from a really sharp rock and a long stick. He managed to cut a little of Gwen's cheek, which started to bleed, Dax was about to yell and
kill her, but he recognized her same fearful eyes slowly letting go and apologizing

Gwen looked scared, but she quickly realized it was Dax, and she ran to him and hugged him to reunite.


"What are you doing here!?"

"Mom and Dad left! I-"



Now, there were short flashes of Dax and Gwen going on adventures to find their parents



"DAX NO!-"



"To be continued.."


And then the trailer ends.

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