Chapter one: The Beginning

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It was midnight when two Princes' of seperate kingdoms made their way to the enchanted lake. Legend has it that if you make a wish during the full moon; your wish would come true. This was called "Wishing upon the stars!" 

Prince Sonic stood at the edge, looking at his reflection in the water. It was like looking at another version of yourself, except it felt like your own spirit.

On the very other side of the lake stood Prince North, he looked angry for some reason. He saw himself in the water reflection and sighed, questioning why his life was the way it was.

Earlier that day

"Your parents would like to see you in the office sir!" North rolled his eyes as he thought of what his parents wanted, he was annoyed with all their nagging and just wanted it to end. "Thank you, you're dismissed"

North made his way to the office and went in without knocking, he saw his parents there with an unamazed expression.

King Jao: Knock before entering next time, you're so disrespectful! {glares}

North: Just say what you want {rolls his eyes}

Queen Porjai: Um well, we decided you will marry the future queen of Starlight Realms-



Queen Porjai: Both of you stop yelling, Listen North! We've given you so many chances, and you still haven't found your queen so we are stepping in.

North: Have you ever thought if I even wanted a queen?

King Jao: I'm not hearing this anymore, you will marry her next week, end of discussion.

North stormed out of the office, when he slammed the door shut; he heard something breaking but he didn't care. When he got to his room, he saw the calendar. "I'm not missing this full moon again!" He told himself, he sighed as he flopped on his bed, wondering why he was giving this life. He just wanted to live a normal life like the villagers, he hated being stuck in the castle with horrible parents and tiring responsibilities that he was forced to take on at once. With a heavy heart, North closed his eyes after setting an alarm.

With Sonic

"I understand Mother!" Sonic sighed as he walked with his mother to her bedroom. She is slowly becoming blind and can't always walk around herself, she also has semi-permanent leg damage; usually a guard would be with her but she wanted to talk to her son.

Queen Meiji: You know, I don't care who you like but you'll soon have to marry someone to take over my place. You will take over as King in just a few weeks.

Sonic: I understand okay? I just don't care about that stuff right now. No one is genuine, they just like the thought of being in charge of the kingdom and I don't want that. Please understand my concerns mother!

Queen Meiji: I understand and I won't bother you with the topic again, but please also understand my concern. I only want the best for you.

Sonic helped her get comfortable in bed, and when he knew she was fine; he left quietly. He then went to the castle office where he had so much to do. Sonic sighed as he saw all the papers stacked up on the desk. As he was going through them, a guard came in after receiving permission.

Guard: We have a shortage of food supplies in the village markets, the farmers said due to a lack of growth supplies, crops have been slowly growing or not growing the right way.

Sonic: {Sighs} Request an order for hundreds of growth supplies then send them to the farmers, also place food orders from the city and have them shipped to the markets.

Guard: But sir, the city is almost 5 hrs away, if I place the orders now, they won't be here until the end of this week. What should we do in the meantime?

Sonic: Just see what the farmers have that's good enough to put in the markets, also check with the markets and make sure they are being careful with the amount they sell. We must make what we have last. You are dismissed, thank you!

Sonic rubbed his temples as the guard exited the room. He remembered tonight was a full moon and decided to visit the lake, maybe it will bring him some type of luck to make his responsibilities go smoother and easier.

Hours later

Sonic wore a simple hoodie and sweatpants as it was a little chilly outside. He made sure no one followed as he snuck out of the castle. He got on his horse and made his way to the forest. After some time, he entered the forest where the lake was located, he tied his horse to one of the trees near the lake but not too close.

A peaceful and warm sensation immediately washed over him, all his struggles, doubts, and stress slipped his mind as he came in contact with the beautiful blue lake. The reflection of the moon glistened over it as the pretty lily pads floated above. He saw the time was five minutes until midnight, and took a rose petal from the trees and sighed as he waited for the time to come.

With North

North decided to walk, even though it was a little chilly, it calmed his nerves. It didn't take long as it's only a fifteen-minute walk from the castle. He entered the forest after some time and immediately went near the lake, he watched as his reflection stared back at him. He saw the time and picked the biggest rose petal near him.

Author's POV

As midnight came, North and Sonic made their wish and threw the petals in the lake. They released a sigh of calmness as they watched their petals float away. Suddenly the trees danced as the wind passed through. They noticed the lake lighting up and the small waves being created.

Before they could react, a strong force of wind caused them to fall in. As they sunk to the bottom, the lake became calm again, and the trees slowly became normal. However, when everything was back to normal, Sonic and North had disappeared from the lake, they were nowhere to be seen.


So, that's the end of this chapter, I hope you guys like it. Don't forget to vote or comment if you liked it!!

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