My Big Sister: 2

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And moreover, this is the first time I am going to bring food for my elder sister.

My parents left house, giving me the house key and instructions about taking care of animals and giving food to my big sister. It was almost dawn.

I spent my time inside house doing homework and watching TV. The whole time, I was nervous as hell.

When it strikes 8 in the clock, I wish the earth would split and took me inside. It was the usual time, mom gives food to her.

I hesitantly went to kitchen and took some food into her plate, before flashing the torch light and walking towards the out house.

As I reached in front of the destination, I heard my heart beating like crazy.

I put the food in front of the small dog door and moved aside.

Just in time, a hand immediately came out of it and grabbed the plate and pulled it inside. It was so fast that I almost had a heart attack then and there.

I ran into the home and locked the front door from inside.

Next three days, I was so cautious that the second I put down the food, I would ran inside the home.

The fourth day aka the last day of me being home alone, at night, I put down the food in front of it as usual. I saw my pendent dropped into the plate.

Before I could take it, a hand pulled the plate inside.

I fell on my butt with racing heart.
God, the pendent is so precious. It was the last gift from my grandmother.

But, there is nothing I could do for taking it back.


Part 3 aka the last part will be out soon. Stay tuned.

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