Chapter 21

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THEY TOOK OFF toward me like a couple of cheetahs. That's how fast they seemed to move. I'd never seen anyone run that fast in my life. The only thing that comes close is a scared-shitless girl who's just seen her father murdered in the dirt.

Leaf, branch, vine, bramble. The rush of air in my ears. The rapid-fire scuffscuffscuff of my shoes on the trail.

Shards of blue sky through the canopy, blades of sunlight im- paling the shattered earth. The ripped-apart world careened.

I slowed as I neared the spot where I'd hidden my father's last present to me. Mistake. The high-caliber rounds smacked into the tree trunk two inches from my ear. The impact sent fragments of pulverized wood into my face. Tiny, hair-thin slivers embedded themselves in my cheek.

Do you know how to tell who the enemy is, Cassie?

I couldn't outrun them.

I couldn't outgun them. 

Maybe I could outsmart them.

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