chapter 11

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Selene had successfully avoided Theodore Nott until February. Whenever she saw him in the halls, she would pretend he wasn't there or completely change paths and walk away. In the classes she shared with him, she ignored his side of the classroom entirely. It was a mistake, she kept telling herself. A mistake on both of their parts. She had never meant to kiss him, and he never meant to kiss her. They were high on adrenaline and, perhaps, some spiked juice, and that was it. End of discussion.

One good thing had come from that night, and it was her new friendships with Hermione and Pansy. Not together, of course. Pansy sat with Selene during breakfast the morning after the Yule Ball and asked if she wanted to play Quidditch with her. They were both arguably horrible at Quittich, but she put forth the effort.

Hermione and Selene had been studying together more and went shopping in Hogsmeade for a birthday gift for Luna. With all the hecticness of the new year and school, Selene felt confident in saying that she was over what happened that night.

"Set out a blanket right there, dear." Madam Pomrey pointed to a spot on the wooden boards where the viewing stands for the second task. The lake sloshed underneath the wooden planks, and the whole stand swayed under them.

Selene had offered to help Madam Pomfrey with medical assistance for the task without knowing it was on the water. Selene didn't like water very much. She liked the beaches, like the ones by her dad's apartment, but she liked them from afar. Sitting far away from them on dry, firm ground and not sitting on something in the middle of a lake.

"Welcome to the second task." Dumbledore said over a loudspeaker, "Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie at the bottom of the black lake. In order to win, each champion only needs to find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own. You may begin at the start of the cannon."

All of the champions were standing in front of Selene, facing the water. The cannon went off, and they all dove in except Harry, who was pushed, flailing his legs and arms. A second later, he came flying out, souring high above the stands, and then diving perfectly back in.

Selene's eyebrows were raised in shock as she made sure the blankets she put a heating charm on were still warm for when the champions came back out of the dark water. She sat down and started arranging Pomfey supplies. She was supposed to do it yesterday before they came here, but forgot.

"Selene, come here," Pomfrey called out, somewhere behind her.

Selene slid one last bottle full of slimy Bown liquid into a box and pushed herself up. She weaved through some teachers and students to get to her.

"Can you please heal this young boy's cut?"

Selene turned to where Pomfrey motioned, and her eyes connected with the boy that Pomfrey was referring to. His dark hair and dark eyes almost catapulted her back to the night of the Yule Ball before she reeled herself back in. He was standing a few yards away, holding his left forearm, which had a gash from his wrist to halfway up to his elbow. Daphne had her hand on his neck; her face was so concerned that it looked fake.

"Can't you heal it?" Selene asked, biting her lip and glancing at Pomfrey.

"I'm doing something right now. I thought you would be excited to do this."

"I am excited to heal."

"Just not him?" She said it with a small smile.

"Just not him," Selene agreed, nodding gravely.

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