iv. golden coins and silver knives

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iv. golden coins and silver knives

the second night

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Mother Gesa knelt praying in the chapel when Saskia approached her, the fear still cold and heavy in her stomach. In her life, she had barely held any secrets as the only thing worthy of secrecy was the very same she could not hide.

Now, overnight, Saskia had gathered at least five: her being betrothed, that she ventured into the woods, the deadly prophecy, the being at the sanctuary reminding her of that strange hunter, and the ghost in the convent. And they made it impossible for her to share the chaos in her heart with anyone—even Katinka.

She couldn't explain her interest in Prince Anyan and, even less so, her fear of Prince Silvan without confessing. Strangely enough, the only one the princess could turn to was the woman who loathed her even more than Saskia detested her.

"What is it, Daughter?" Mother Gesa asked without turning around.

"I am sorry to interrupt your prayers ..." Saskia swallowed.

Only the slightest movement of Gesa's head betrayed her impatience. "Speak, child. What question brings you here?"

"What do you know about ... soulmates?"

"Soulmates?" Saskia's words clearly caught her by surprise since now the high priestess rose to her feet and turned around. "Why would you want to know?"

"I overheard some women talk at the marketplace who said it's possible to foretell who it is," she replied, perhaps a little too quickly. Gesa didn't have to know that Saskia must have caught this conversation months ago. "They said Perhta can show it."

A line dug into Mother Gesa's forehead. "Well, it is believed so, yes. In the Nights of Smoke, we may be allowed to learn about our future in many ways."

Saskia knew the traditions, but none of them would tell her about this especially.
"And what would be the way to receive this answer?"

The high priestess's frown deepened. "A mirror at night and a candle. When at a crossroad at midnight, you might see him pass by. Things you should not trouble yourself with as they are forbidden."

A crossroad at midnight?

"I know, Mother, of course! I was just curious."

"Curiosity can be dangerous, child. As are soulmates. Some say they hold the power to bring you back from the brink of death and tear your soul in half."

When at eventide, the Daughters of Perhta gathered for the meal, Saskia hoped for the smallest of signs of Perhta—something that would dispel the sorrows gnawing at her guts before Katinka would eventually notice.

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