Look Who's Back...

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No one's POV


"Ellie, come on, lets go!" Ellie's parents yelled. An 11 year old Eleanor, better known as Ellie sighed with tears in her eyes. She looked up at the black haired-boy she was hugging who was about 2 inches shorter than her. "I'll miss you Christian. Your my best friend! I love you." She declared, hugging him. "I love you too. It'll be okay, Ellie. As long as we promise to never forget each other. Promise?" He held out his hand. "Promise." She smiled shaking it. They hugged one last time. "I'll never forget you, Novelli!" She yelled as she ran to join her parents who were waiting for her. She grabbed her older brother's hand and left with them. "I won't ever forget you either, Perri." Christian smiled to himself as he walked back to his parents.


Ellie's POV

"Ellie! Get up! First day of school! Don't want to be late, do you?" I groaned and rolled out of bed. I just had a dream about that day again. Christian Novelli, I'll never forget him. He's probably forgotten me though... My name is Eleanor Taylor Perri. But everyone calls me El or Ellie. My birthday is on September 18th so it was a week ago. I'm 18 years old and I just moved back to Seattle, Washington after living in Ventura, California for the last 7 years. I'm actually a quite famous Youtuber. My youtube name is EllieElliot. You guys probably know HaiLedaBear, I got to meet her and became really good friends with her. We did a few videos together as well so it's really cool. Anyway, my hometown is Seattle. I grew up here. I missed it a lot but I didn't miss the rain and the crappy weather. I got up and headed for my bathroom. I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of tight, ripped, red skinnies, a black Pierce The Veil tank top, my purple, Blood On The Dance Floor bat hoodie, my black leather jacket, and a pair of purple and black supras. I put on a white crown ring, a zelda belt, a vampire fang necklace, two friendship bracelets-one on each wrist. One is red and black, the other is teal and sky blue. I put in a pair of plain black gauges, a black webbing ring and a silver bridge ring. I have the bridge of my nose and my tongue webbing pierced. I also have my ears stretched. I also put on a couple fan bracelets to cover up my wrists. I have one older brother and one step-sister. My parents got divorced when I was a freshman/9th grade-so I was 15. My mom got remarried last year when I was 17. My brother-Alex and I, live with my mom, her husband and his daughter, Hayley. Hayley is 19, she's away at college-UCLA. But we see her when we can. She's really cool. Alex is 19 as well but he attends university here. My step-dad, I don't talk to him much-he's always traveling. He's the reason why we moved back here. Anyway, I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair. I dyed my hair sky blue before brushing it and straightening it. I put on some pink lip gloss, black eyeshadow, black mascara and eyeliner, and painted Nyan Cat across my nails. I changed my iPhone case to a Pokemon one that says 'I WANT TO BE THE VERY BEST LIKE NO EVER WAS' I grabbed my keys, my wallet and iPhone and put them in my pockets. I grabbed Vans bag and walked downstairs. I ate a poptart for breakfast before checking the time. 7:03. School starts at 7:30. Just then, I jumped at the sound of my mom yelling. "El! If you don't leave now, you'll be late!" I sighed and bit my lip. "Okay! Bye!" I yelled walked outside to my black Mazda. Yeah, my step-dad is kind of really rich. I really don't care. As long as he's making my mom happy, that's all that matters. I got in and started the engine. I backed out of the driveway and headed to school. I got there just as the bell rang and I ran inside. I found the office fairly quickly and got my schedule than I was off to find my division room.

End of POV

Christian's POV

I sat down in the front away from everyone else. Today wasn't that bad, but I still felt depressed. Olivia not being here made it worse. Someone knocked on the door. The teacher opened the door and I couldn't believe who it was.

End of POV

Ellie's POV

I pulled on my hood and knocked on the door. "Hi, is this Mr.Greene's class? I'm Ellie, I'm new here." I asked as the door opened and I looked up at the teacher. "Nice to meet you, Ellie." He said as he let me in. "Class this is Ellie. She's our new student, joining the senior class. Please treat her as you would everyone else and help her. Why don't you tell a bit about yourself?" He asked. "Well hi, I'm Ellie Perri. I'm 18, I'm from here and I just moved her from Ventura Country in California. I love making YouTube videos, playing video games, anime and food." I smiled. "Thank you, you can sit in the front row in the seat farthest to the window ." Mr. Greene said, pointed to the seat next to a very familiar face. I nodded and sat in my seat. I tapped on the shoulder of the boy next to me. "Christian?" I asked, he just turned around and completely ignored me, just as a girl with long black hair came in. "Sorry I'm late!" She apologized, handing the teacher a note. She sat down in the seat next to Christian. "Hey, I haven't seen you face around here. I'm Olivia, nice to meet you." She smiled. "Ellie, nice to meet you too. What's wrong with him? I tried to say hello and he shyed away from me." I explained. "Christian can be really shy. He'll warm up to you once he gets to know you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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