chocolate milk ☆ haechan

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"the food tastes way better with you around. then again, it might just be the chocolate milk."


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1:27 ───ㅇ───── 3:47↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

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1:27 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

y/n pov

with catious steps, i navigate the hallway, my sight blocked as i carry a stack of notebooks that are on the brink of spilling onto the floor. but that's precisely the outcome i'm trying to avoid, proceeding with cautious baby steps and silently praying to myself that i encounter no juniors who seemingly enjoy bumping into people. swearing under my breath, i blame myself for the missed opportunity of lingering in the classroom like everyone else. instead i'm running errands like a teacher's pet. guess that's what i get for volunteering as class president. and just when i thought my plate couldn't get any fuller, i decided to add the roll of school president to it, which i—much to my surprise—was elected to. while i have friendly classmates, i'm technically friendless. so it took me by more than surprise. clearly, the status failed to boost my popularity, but it provided an escape from molding in the classroom all the time and enviously watching other girls laugh together. so here i am on a monday morning, delivering my class' notebooks to the teacher's office.

i try to glance at the clock at the end of the hallway, hoping i still have a few minutes to grab a snack from the vending machine after i'm done with this. but in that exact moment, someone rounds the corner and crashes right into me. great. the hit wasn't hard enough for me to fall, but i stumble back nevertheless and lose a few notebooks in the process. they land on the floor with a loud thud, attracting a few head-turns in my direction which are more than unnecessary. momentarily distracted, the person i collided with escapes my mind and i immediately kneel to gather the scattered notebooks. that's until a guy kneels in front of me and scowls. "you made me drop my snack," he stares at me with raised eyebrows. the mysterious guy—seemingly unable to see two feet in front of himself—reveals himself to be none other than lee haechan. "i'm sorry?" i halter in stacking up the notebooks and stare back at him puzzled. does he not see that i dropped a bunch of things myself? "maybe keep your eyes open next time," i try not to shake my head when he makes no further attempt to apologize. "well, what am i supposed to eat now?" it takes a lot of strength in me not to roll my eyes. "i don't...know," i contemplate my words, silently wishing for him to simply stand up and leave.

that's when i realize that we've been kneeling on the floor like a couple from a rom-com, except he isn't helping me gather my scattered belongings but instead is interrogating me about his stupid snack. embarrassment washes over me when i realize people staring, so i quickly get up and make an attempt to walk away. "well?" haechan stops me and this time i let an eye roll get the better of me. a glance at the clock tells that there's only five minutes left until the end of the break. "how about i get you a new one from the vending machine?" i sigh defeated, my arms slowly growing tired. haechan takes his time thinking about my offer, only making himself less likable. when i raise my eyebrows at him impatiently he finally opens his mouth to speak, "no, i think you should make it up to me with a proper meal." my jaw almost hits the floor at the sound of his words. a proper meal? to make it up to him? he's the one who stumbled into me, so why am i making up for it? i stare at him in utter shock and he takes the opportunity to walk away like nothing just happened. in his dreams i'll treat him to a proper meal. the most he'll get from me is a kick in the balls if he ever crosses my path again.

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