Bird Skull

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"You seem to be in pain," a deep voice said from the blackness.

"Ya don't say..." Peter groaned, then coughed. "Oh, good God, that hurts..."

"I may be able to help with that," the voice said. "But first, open your eyes."

Peter opened his eyes, and was oddly unfazed to see a mummy wrapped giant with a bird skull for a head. The... entity was also carrying a staff topped with a crescent moon.

"...dead... ...bird...?" Peter tilted his head.

"Excuse me?" the bird-mummy asked. "I am CLEARLY no 'dead bird,' you foolish mortal! I am Khonshu, god of vengeance and ruler of the night!" The bird stood in a proud stance.

Peter blinked. "...prove it."

"...beg pardon?" Birdskull was speechless.

"Prove that you're Khonshu."

The talking skull laughed indignantly. "I stand before you, do I not?"

"Seeing and believing are two different things, ya mummified pigeon," Peter said. "For all I know, you're just a figment of my imagination. A hallucination conjured by my dying mind."

"What sounds do you hear?" the entity asked.

Peter listened for a moment. "None."

"And the girl crying on your lap," Birdskull continued. "Does she move? Does she even breathe?"

Peter checked on Kyra. "Seems like time stopped."

"Exactly," Birdskull said. "The moon is full tonight, meaning my power is at its strongest. I have temporarily pulled you out of the flow of time to present to you an offer."

"And what offer is that?"

"I am in need of an Avatar," Khonshu explained. "One willing to enforce my will. Able to deliver my judgment. My vengeance."

"Vengeance belongs to the Lord, not some 12 foot talking pelican who claims to be an Egyptian god," Peter countered.

"Oh... you're one of those..." Birdskull sighed.

"Yes, I am," Peter said. "And proud to be among my brothers and sisters in Christ. Regardless, I will accept your offer. On a few conditions."

"I acquiesce," Khonshu sat down. "What are your terms?"

"One: I retain my free will," Peter said. "You will not dictate my choices, nor will you monitor my every move."

"All right, continue," Khonshu said. One fail safe already down...

"Two: if I ever decide that I no longer want to serve as your 'Fist of Vengeance,' you will not break my mind. Nor will you target my friends or family. You will let me go free."

"...right..." Khonshu sighed. "You seem to have past experience with this... Anything else?"

"Nothing," Peter said. "What's the suit look like?"

"How did you know about my healing armor?"

"Educated guess."

"You do know how this works!"

"Give me the fricken suit, ya stupid toucan."

"First, I need your oath," Khonshu stated, annoyed. "Do you swear to protect the travelers of the night?"

"I do."

"Then rise. Rise and live again...

As my Fist of Vengeance. As my...

Moon Knight!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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