so it begins

10 1 1

Venus pov

Shit they're going to catch me I have to be quicker, or I won't make it. If it wasn't for the giant gash in my side, I might be able to escape faster but until then I am here with no direction other than what comes from my communicator, I really wish those damn heroes knew how to mind their business. I guess being the most wanted criminal adds to the whole getting put in dangerous situations so why am I so worried? Good question this time instead pretty little Pluto it was that bitch espera and her little side kick quaesita. I got to hand it to them, they have really good stamina and fighting spirit, so you know what they are doing when they choose their heroes and sidekicks. but it is an Mager pain to us villain's ,vigalates,and anti-heroes because we have to fight them and each other. All I need to do is make it to a place where I can summon Eli." where the hell did, they go !?" how the - "fuck it "I mumble i bring myself to a holt.

"By my binding contract with honor, pride, and power aside I call on my angelic butler Eliott!" heavenly light and gray feathers flout through the air and their stands Eliott with his pale blue hair and dark gray skin with alluring amethyst eyes and not to mention his gorgeous gray and white wings with golden accent. "You called my lady." he stares at me with those eyes i swear i could fall for them at any given time but we needed to get away and back to my manner " Eliott i need your help getting back to the manner as well as escape the damned heroes so if you could kindly make it to where i can walk witho-eli what are you doing" i blink a few times before i render that Eli has lifted me up and is carrying me like an princess "you are injured and i don't want the wound to get worse as well as this will make it quicker so take my jacket and hang on lady maxi and with that we are now in the air .  

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