amusement park - maki

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Going on an amusement park date with boyfriend!maki includes..

🎡 walking hand in hand down the cool sand paths, your fingers intertwined together as maki's thumb gently brush the back of your skin

🎡 showing you around the park if it's your first time in this area, or if you haven't been to an amusement park before

🎡 playing random games of tag when you're supposed to be looking at new rides/games

🎡 going to the gift shop to buy loads of matching plushies

🎡 finding a plushie that resembles the other!! Butttt it's some ugly turtle :/

🎡 playing games to get more plushies

🎡 convincing you to go on a scary ride with him, but by the end of it, he's hollering like a child on sugar

🎡 waiting in the long line for a seat in the ferris wheel, your hands still intertwined as you rest your head on his shoulder

🎡 getting to the top of the ferris wheel as you stare at the city in awe, but maki only looks at you

🎡 feeling a hand softly brush the hair from your face, placing it behind your ear as time begins to stop

🎡 slowly leaning into the boy of your dreams, ending the night with a feverishly sweet kiss <3

A/n: request on tumblr

209 words

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