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DAHLIA AND HER FRIENDS sat at the small table of the big, but empty restaurant

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DAHLIA AND HER FRIENDS sat at the small table of the big, but empty restaurant. The hostel looked as if it had a lot of customers in earlier times, but now the numerous tables around them were empty.

The woman that had introduced herself as Mrs. Flennice came towards their table with three plates of food.
She carried them easily in her hands and the third one on her arm, as if she'd done it a million times since years, which she probably did when she had more customers.

„Thank you. Uh.. Can I ask you something Miss?" Dahlia asked, as Mrs. Flennice came to a halt at their table.

„Of course sweetie." the woman answered putting their plates in front of them, friendly smiling.

„Why aren't there any people here?" Dahlia asked and suddenly the atmosphere around them got awkward, as the woman eyed her for a moment. She could sense her friends looking at her before Liam continued talking.

„Yeah and uh.. your fields are not farmed, though it's the time of the year, where uh.. everyone does plant-.." he said, not finishing his sentence because he got too intimidated by Mrs. Flennice's stare. The woman got nervous.

„Well we did cultivate them you know.. planting the seeds, this and last year but it seems that we're just havin' bad luck! Next year will be better for sure!" she then answered.
She stroked the skirt of her dress with her now empty hands nervously. Her confidence from earlier had vanished.

„There's gotta be more to it." Meg said curious, eyeing the woman critically for her sudden nervous behavior.

„Have you ever heard about this place being.. haunted?" Dahlia asked and the tension now hung strongly in the air, as if you could touch it.

„AH!!" the woman yelled clapping her hands in her tights.

„DON'T believe these fools of New PALTZZZ!" she hissed the ‚z' like a snake.

„New Paltz?" Dahlia asked confused.

„THEY'RE just happy that our economy is bad after ALL THE YEARS we triumphed them in it!" the woman started yelling and Dahlia was glad that they were the only people in the hostel.

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