1-But They Don't Agree|لیکن وہ نہیں مانتے

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Sweetness. That's what her name means. Oh, how she wishes her life was as sweet as her name.

She was someone good. Someone nice. Someone with a bright future ahead.

But the one mistake she made, changed her forever.

Regina. That's what everyone calls her. Why? Because she's a queen. A queen That reigns every heart she's ever come across. Whether as the sweet little sunshine everyone thinks of her, or as the devil child she really is.

On the day she was born, her household was filled with happiness, when a certain 5 year old boy -Asher-picked her up in his arms and said he'll marry her our story starts, when her mother jokingly agreed to him and said "yes, my boy. She's yours. Come to claim her when she grows up, will you?" And they all laughed. Not knowing what was going on in that little boy's head. Or how seriously he took it.

He spent the next 20 years, being the best he could, becoming a billionaire at age 25, just for his little princess. The girl he wanted to marry. The love of his life.

A seemingly regular day, in anyone's point of view. But for Asher, it was the day that changed his life.

He had achieved a lot in his life. Naturally, it came with ups and downs. But never in his life had he ever been so affected.

"What do you mean she ran away?" Asher asked, clearly panicked.

"Ash she was in love with some roadside Romeo and we didn't approve and she ran away" the person on the other side of the line sounded panicked as well.

"Well FIND HER! What are you doing?!!!?! Messing around? If this is a joke it's not fucking funny" fury suddenly filled him.. He was unable to breathe, and he fell down on the floor

"Please, please please find her" his voice came as a low whisper.

He knew there was no going back. His love had already reached the point of obsession long back.


"Sherine what the fuck? Are you crazy? You know our family will not let you go to study in England? Why even try? You know that they're so conservative and-" Seher tried to make her sister understand. Knowing their dad, he'd kill himself before ever sending a girl abroad alone.

"And what? What are they gonna do? Kill me? Well they can't . I'm not some pretty perfect princess trophy daughter that will listen. If it was up to them, I wouldn't even be able to study till now!" Sherine was stubborn in her resolve.

"Hearts and cheers to your bravery Sherine! But they will really kill you. They're that crazy! You can't bring it up! You know you can't!" Seher was really serious now.

"Seher, if they don't agree I'll make them! You know how persuasive I can be right?" Sherine was positive. She wasn't gonna let her parents' conservative thoughts dominate her and spoil her dreams.

Besides, mum will agree. She wants me to do it!

"Oh please. You know dad will shut her down , temi sinz kar che chalaan tei chale vini kyas, dad never acknowledges whatever she says" Seher pointed out.

Their mother, Fatimeh Abrezi, was originally a jewish woman named Adeline De Wit, When their father had met her and married her. Upon marriage, Adeline had converted to islam and she was the most religious person they had ever seen, but still their father looked down upon her and never consulted her for anything, just because she was brought up as a jew. He loved her, but looked down upon her and ignored her advice.

Meanwhile, their father,Hamza Sikander was a Pakistani from a highly religious family when He had met Adeline De Wit, fallen for her and married her, he had been temporarily disowned by his family, but when a daughter was born to him, they got in touch again.

Hamza had always been a loving husband, but since he was disowned by his family because of Fatimeh, he started taking out his frustrations on her. He wasn't physically abusive, but the mental abuse Fatimeh had to bear because of him was overwhelming for her. But she stayed. For her daughters.

"Sherine i don't know what I'll do, I just wanna hang in there with you and support you but you know dad will never agree, he'll scold us a lot!" Seher was still trying. Being the older sister, Seher knew much more about their family than her younger sisters.

"Seher, I'll do it. I know I will." And sherine left fo a coffee date with her friends.

"Sher, your sister is right. No one will agree to you going to England" Anne pointed out

"Anne, we don't live in Pakistan. I've never been there. But dad is so damn persistent on keeping their stupid ideologies. I feel like I live in Lahore 2.0 instead of Holland!"

"I have and idea" Kiara says

"Tell me tell me" Sherine is excited

"You tell them that you will marry anyone they say!"

Sherine glared at Kiara "It's not funny bitch"

"I mean, it is an established fact that you have no problem studying in holland but you wanna escape home, you can do that while staying in a college dorm as well, it won't be a problem"

"That's The problem i know my father will come to check on me every damn day and even if he doesn't i don't know what extent he'll go to stop me in the first place... it's really rough"

"I have another idea!" Kiara said again

"What is it?" Sherine sighed

"You pretend to run away from home and go to Britain!" Kiara said excitedly

"This is my life not some damn movie" Sherine said a little loudly "Besides, even if i do that, what happens after? What will I do?"

Anne's eyes brighte "you can use my brother! Say you've married him and your father can't do anything cuz he can't say anything between a married couple!"

"Anne, if I do that, I will be honour-killed by dad! He's so against love marriage!" Sherine says sadly.

"Wait, hold up, wasn't your dad's marriage love marriage?" Anne asks

"It was, but he's a hypocrite. He can do it no one else can" Sherine said

"Attention everyone" they hear a voice coming to them

"Alicia, what a surprise! Anne says

Well baby, you know i love surprises right? Anyways, since i'm back from barcelona, food's on me" Alicia exclaims

"But Alicia, where's Anika? She went with you didn't she?" Kiara asks

"She did. She came back too. But she's depressed cuz her boyfriend left her"

"That's awful"

"Yeahh she refuses to come out of her room" Alicia says "By the way sherine, i heard you got into oxford?"

"I did, i'm trying to convince my parents to let me go" Sherine says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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