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Bella went upstairs to her bedroom after having dinner with her dad. She was glad he is safe and sound but sad to hear the horrible things that as chief police he has no choice but to see. Bella took a quick shower before going into her bedroom and laying down, her mind was still reeling from her first day at forks high,


As Bella's truck hiccupped into the school parking lot with a sound akin to a dragon's belch, she felt her face flush with a mortification that seemed to seep into her very bones. The eyes of her peers, sharp and curious, followed her every move as she clambered out of the vehicle, only to step into a deceitful puddle that lay in wait. Her sneakers, now drenched, squelched a protest with each step she took towards the school's entrance.

Her iPod, a talisman against the cacophony of high school life, was clutched in her hand like a lifeline as she navigated through the throng of students. Their stares were palpable, a tangible force that seemed to press against her skin. A few brave souls ventured a greeting, their 'hi's slicing through the air like arrows. They were all talking about her, she knew. This was her personal inferno.

The walkways became a labyrinth as Bella searched for room numbers, her eyes darting around in hopes of spotting her best friends, Jessica and Angela. Their absence only amplified the discomfort of the constant stares. She understood their curiosity; after all, Bella was the outsider, the anomaly in their otherwise predictable day.

Just as she was about to escape into the sanctuary of the school building, a boy with a sweet, nerd-cute demeanor and a motor mouth materialized before her. "You're Isabella Swan, the new girl. Hi. I'm Eric. The eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need. Tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on," he offered with a grin that was both disarming and overwhelming.

Bella regarded him with a mix of skepticism and wonder. Was he for real? "I'm kind of the suffer in silence type," she responded, her voice a mere whisper against the symphony of school noise.

Undeterred, Eric pressed on. "Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page."

The idea of being news, of being thrust into the spotlight, was anathema to Bella. She recoiled, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I -- no, I'm not news -- I'm, seriously, not at all -"

Eric's face registered panic for a moment before he quickly regained his composure. "Whoa, chillax. No feature," he reassured her, his hands raised in a gesture of peace.

Bella's relief was palpable. "Would you mind just pointing me toward Mr. Varner's class?" she asked, eager to escape the unwanted attention.

As they walked, Eric seemed to bask in the attentive stares that Bella found so unnerving. He chatted away, oblivious to her discomfort. "You've missed a lot of the semester, but I can hook you up - tutor, cliff notes, medical excuse," he offered, his voice a steady stream of words that Bella only half-listened to.

The dialogue between Bella and Eric was a dance of two different tunes, his upbeat tempo a stark contrast to her silent melody of unease. Yet, as they reached Mr. Varner's class, Bella found herself grateful for Eric's presence. In a school where she felt so visible yet invisible, Eric had seen her, and in his own overwhelming way, had offered a hand of friendship.

The clamor of the gymnasium was a symphony of youthful exuberance, echoing with the rhythmic thuds of basketballs and the sharp slaps of volleyballs. Bella, garbed in her gym uniform, navigated this boisterous landscape with a palpable sense of trepidation. As she stepped onto the volleyball court, her gaze collided with that of Jessica, the team captain whose vitality seemed to radiate from her very being. A squeal of delight escaped Jessica as their eyes met, her smile a prelude to the fervor with which she rallied her teammates.

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