How You Met

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How did you meet 

Rick grimes:you met rick and his group when all of them got to Alexander you were at the welcome party and you saw rick cleaned shaved you instantly fell for him you didn't know if he was single all what you knew that he had kids but you got induced to him by Deanna at the part and you and rick spoke until everyone left you had drinks and he made you laugh. 

Daryl dixon:You met Daryl in the forest looking for food. You lost your group and you stumbled upon him. You held him at gunpoint and was going to shoot him but something told you not to. He asked you what are you doing out here alone? You told him that you lost your group he asked you the three questions and you passed he helped you find your group gave you food and water and took you back to the prison 

Negan:you hated negan when you first saw him of course you did he killed two of your friends you weren't even supposed to be there. when you saw him you hated him and yourself because you found him kinda handsome 

Simon:you met Simon at the sanctuary negan put  you two together to do runs and such you two didn't get on at first until one day you were doing a run and you fell down pretty bad and hurt yourself he helped you stand up and carried you back to the car, took you back to the sanctuary and stayed with you until he knew you were OK, you have to say that was the very first time you felt something for him you saw how much he cared 

Glenn:you were with him at  the very first days of the apocalypse, you went on runs together. He made sure that you were OK because he knew how hard you found it, killing the walkers some nights you would be  shaking from cleaning the blood off of you he hugged you and told you it was going to be OK 

Abraham:you were out on your own you got attacked by walkers you stabbed all of them he came along and saw how you could take care of yourself he was impressed he offered you to come with him and his group and you did and never looked back 

Paul rovia“jesus”:you came in at the same time at the hilltop but funny enough you never ever knew who he was because he wasn't there he was always out and about but one day gregory was having ago at you about something stupid you stormed out in a mood and opened the door seeing him there he smiled at you and all what you saw was his blue eyes and you fell for him just like that a few days later you two spoke and he made sure that you were OK and told you not to worry about gregory you found out that he never really like him as well you two would laugh about how he thought he was over everybody and then he introduced himself to you 

Dwight : you never really knew him until  after he came back and sherry married negan you saw how broken up he was and  hurt , you always was fond of him because he was not like the rest of the saviours yes he did the same as them but he had to he was in his own shadow you spent more time with him just sitting with him at night, on watch until he opened up and told you everything about how he hated negan how he hates himself he wished he died you stopped him from talking by hugging him which apparently he did need because you never felt anyone hug  you as tight as he did that night and he let tears fall onto your shoulder 

King ezekiel:you never really was attracted to the king you thought it was silly everyone calling him king but he liked you and you did like him you two would spend time together he would watch you from afar with the children and then one day he saw you play the piano after you finished he clapped he told you how talented you were and he brought you to tears because no one has ever made you feel so special 

the walking dead relationship preferences❤️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon