13. Making Up for Mistake

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Nandini's Pov

In the evening I came down in kitchen, they all looked at me and smiled.

"Nandini you want something?" Bani Kaki asked

"No but I want to make dinner today" she gave me a horror look.

"But Emir will not allow this you know he-"

"I know but I'm saying I want to make"

"But Nandini you don't know what he likes to eat and what not"

"Bani kaki please he'll eat by hook or by crook you don't worry"

"Ayza is cryi-" Lilly stopped as she saw me

"Is she crying?" I asked.

"Yes she wants to meet you but... You know I can't disobey Emir sir" she said.

"Can I go there please just for 5 minutes I promise he won't learn about this, please"

"Nandini dear I could've allowed you but you know how he is, he can learn from anywhere and it will do worse you know" bani kaki said and I sighed.

"You go to her and calm her down tell her Nandini is not fine that is why she isn't able to meet you, tell her that doctor restricted make up any story please" I said

"Okay" she left.

I hope this plan of mine works!

I am not so kind heart to make dinner for my enemy its just to make his heart soften so that he can allow me to meet Ayza.

I start making the food, I know some of the recipes all thanks to YouTube. Everyone was looking tensed by my decision I don't know why.

"Why are you all tensed I'm not a bad chef" I said

"It's not that Nandini, Emir is a moody person you don't know his likes and dislikes I don't want you to feel bad later" Bani kaki said and I smiled

"I won't feel bad because I don't care what he says to me" I cleared focusing on my work.

As the food was done they prepared the table and I sat down waiting for him. I just hope his anger melts.

After a while he came and sat down totally ignoring me, bloody loser. He got busy with his phone while Sanaya was going to serve but I stopped her through eyes. I stood up taking his plate and filling it with food I kept in front of him. He didn't even looked the food and started to eat.

I sat down but his shout made me jump on my place. He called Bani kaki while she came running.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Sir Actually-"

"What? Don't you know I don't like such food or is it you trying to piss me off?" He was shouting aloud.

"Sir Actually Na-"

"I made the food" I said and he looked at me.

"Why?" Are you my wife?" He asked glaring me.

"I just wanted to make up for yesterday's-"

"I don't want you to make up for anything and you Bani kaki you know my schedule and everything still you allowed her to step in kitchen and ruin my appetite why?"

"I tried to stop her but..."

"But? You couldn't right!" he paused for a second. "You know what do hell with this... Bani kaki go and make something for me I wasn't able to do lunch as well today" he said.

He threw the plate on floor, the food was on floor. My hard work how can he just waste food like this? I wanted to say something but stopped myself to do so.

I left from there without saying a word and entered my room shutting the door behind me.

While downstairs

Bani kaki came and served him the plate with food. Emir was calmed by now.

"Emir don't get offended but... Don't you think you over reacted" She said

"I didn't why you let her do this?"

"Emir I tried to stop her but... She wanted to make up to you so that you can allow her to meet Ayza... She stood 3 hours straight in front of gas and prepared all this but... Ayza was crying alot today. I knew you will get angry but I think you over reacted, rest you knows better" she said and left while Emir sighed.

He thought for a moment "Prepare a plate for her with the dishes she made" He said to Sanaya while she nodded and left towards the kitchen.

After he was done eating he picked the plate and went towards her room. He knocked once but there was no response.

The door get opened and he entered inside. I looked at him and turned back.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

He put the plate on table and sat besides me. I moved away ignoring him totally.

"Eat this" he said.

"I'm not hungry anymore thanks to you my appetite died as well" I said sarcastically.

"Look Nandini I know I shouldn't have done this but my mood was already off and on a serious note I don't like someone to interfere in my things so when I saw the changes of taste I lost my temper"

"What if in future your wife wants to make food for you? Will you do the same to her insult her in front of maids, huh?"

"I don't know maybe because I can't compromise on my personal things"

"Then let me tell you in advance no one will marry you, a guy like you" I said rolling my eyes.

"Its good because I want to live alone"

"Really then Why I'm still here? Aren't you tired seeing my face daily because I'm tired already" I said getting up.

"Don't open the same topic again your case is different you aren't here because I want to wife you up its because you know about my little secret" he said getting up as well.

"Little? Little? Killing someone is a little thing for you seriously you are pathetic" I said

"Look Nandini let's not talk about these things eat your food and sleep"

"I won't listen to you... You threw the food on floor right" I said and picked up the plate throwing it away. "Here I don't want to eat as well I would love to stay hungry rather then eating the food you brought for me" I said while he sighed.

"You really wanna argue?" He asked

"I'm not arguing Emir I'm... Just tell me one thing why... Why what Aaryaman did to you that you killed him? This question is eating my mind 24/7. I can't sleep at nights thinking all this why?"

"I can't tell you, you already know so many things which were suppose to be a secret but unfortunately you know so yeah you won't be able to get the answer of this question" I was pissed off my now.

"What you think you're?" I pushed him away "Who are you? Are you god? You can't take decisions of other's life like this you have no right"

"Nandini don't ruin it again it will be worse for you"

"Let it be, let it be worse I don't care Let it be whatever it is. I'm tired of you and your presence I wanna go away, go back to my house" I was in tears by now.

"Nandini I never said I won't free you I will but when the right time comes until then you have to bear my presence and me" he said.

"I hate you... I hate you to the core" I said pushing him again. I wiped my tears "I wish I could kill you I wish I could kill myself rather then being with you but I'm helpless I can-" my words left incomplete in my mouth

Holding my waist pulling me close he kissed me, yeah it is what he did he kissed me. I was too shocked to take any action


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