-this is sooo sick and twisted-

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Levi had already positioned himself in the training hall, acting as if he was waiting for me. We had already discussed the plan previously, so I knew what would happen. Kinda. We didn't discuss the argument part, I guess we would just make that up. I mean, it can't be that hard. If there's two bastards on this earth, better at arguing than me and Levi, then I wouldn't believe it for a second. Because let's be for real, who better for the job than me and him?

I made my way into the hall, the cadets all turning their attention to me now. Perfect. Just like I expected. Levi was stood at the front of them all. I braced myself, before walking over to him. And there it was, exactly as planned. But still stung.


Gasps filled the room, and everyone couldn't believe what just happened. Levi had slapped her. Hard. Right across the face with an angry expression on his own. The cadets were trying their best to mind their own business, but you HAD to look. Nobody was gonna miss this scene. "What the FUCK did you do that for?!" Y/n responded to his slap, trying to look really mad. And she was kinda pissed, he hit her harder than she thought he would. What a bastard.

"Your late!" Levi spat back as he pointed a finger at me. "so?! If I come in late, who cares?! Do you have some kind of clock on me?!" "No! But if I ask you to be here at a certain time, YOU SHOULD BE HERE."

"Fucking hell.. Levi's demanding isn't he?" Historia whispered to mikasa as they both watched. "Maybe he's just paranoid.. about her seeing someone else?" Mikasa whispered back, earning the full attention of the girl. Historia took a moment to take it in before shrugging. "Maybe, that's a good point."

"Oh really?" "Yes. Really." Levi responded with his usual cold stare, his arms crossed now over his chest. Levi then gave her a slight wink, as to say this is the time. Everyone was practically on the edge of their seats, as they waited to see how she would snap this time. There was tension in the air, y/n's long hair shining down her back and her rather small fists tightening in rage. In that moment, her fist flung up. No surprise there.


The punch landed straight on Levi's nose, sending blood gushing down his face. Her eyes widened a little when she saw the damage she did. She wondered if she had went a little too far. Maybe not. Because Levi was smirking now as he wiped the blood from his face. That was a scary sight to see. She knew she had hit him very hard, but it didn't affect him at all. That's what scared her, he was a lot stronger than she thought. That night in the shed, he said he wasn't going easy on her. But looking at him now, he definitely was. And that was scary.

Before she could land another hit, he had grabbed her wrist. He was strong. Stronger than he had ever shown to her. All this time, he pretended to be at her level. But now she was realising, he was way beyond that. Her eyes widened when she realised what was about to happen.


She was snapped back into reality, quite literally. He had slapped her once more. This time however, it hurt like a bitch. The force of his slap making her cheek sting. Her eyes widened when something in her mind clicked. That hurt. That slap just hurt me. No one has ever been able to hurt y/n for a long time. But Levi did. Which means he's better than she ever thought. Even louder gasps where heard around the room, followed by loud whispering. It was safe to say the room was in shock. And so was she.

She had sent a punch to his side, quite hard. Her eyebrows furrowed with rage, when she realised he had let her do it. He was letting her hit him, and it wasn't affecting him at all. She was starting to get mad by the fact he was allowing it. It wasn't just that either, it was the fact he could've dodged it if he wanted to. He could have hurt her if he wanted to. He was strong. For once in her life she wanted to prove how strong she was. Not to those 'morons' (the cadets) But to Levi. She wanted to show Levi she was good. Real good.

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡  || Levi x reader Where stories live. Discover now