Scarlet Avenger

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Across town at a rival newspaper, the Union American, splashed a story of grave robbers across their front page

A fourth coffin was found unearthed by the caretaker this morning. The police are baffled as to who or why these graves are being dug up.
The Union American is offering $100 for information on these crimes.

And in the offices of the newspaper's publisher, Linus Trent, spoke with his editor Charlie Wilkins. Linus, dressed in a dark suit, was standing in front of the editor's desk, which Charlie was sitting behind.

"Good job on the evening edition, Charlie," said Linus.

"Thanks, boss."

A blonde woman, Ann Stevens, entered the office. "There's someone here to talk to you, Mr. Trent, about the reward money."

"Show him in."

A moment later, a man in a worn coat and cap entered the room. "Got some dope on this here grave robbin'."

"And you are?" asked Trent.

"Name's Miller."

"All right, Mr. Miller, what do you know?"

"Where's my money?"

Charlie opened a drawer in a his desk and took out a pile of bills. Linus took the money and handed it to the newcomer.

Miller smiled and said, "About a month ago, this gangster, Slag, knocked over the First Street Bank. Got away with $50,000, but before the loot was divided up, he was killed in a shoot out with a rival gang."

"What's this got to do with anything?" asked Linus.

"Well, he was buried up at  Mt Pleasant along with the money. Slag had it sewn into his clothes. Now his gang is digging up graves looking for the money. They'll be digging tonight."

"What was Slag put in a pauper's grave with no headstone?"

"He was," said Miller. "And there's a bunch of those up at Mt. Pleasant."

"That's fine," said Trent, "But we'll need to confirm your story so you're coming with us so we can corroborate it."

"No I ain't. I kin get killed for blabbin'." Instantly the man bolted out of the publisher's office and out of the building.

Trent watched him go then turned to Charlie.

"Hold the front page of the morning edition. I'm going to make a few inquires."

"Okay, boss."

"Let me come with you," said Ann.

"No, Miss Sullivan. Go home. I'll be all right."

With that he left his office and walked to his car, a long sleek black Oldsmobile. Waiting for him was his driver, Wong. He stood beside the car in this chauffeur's uniform and cap.

"All is ready sir."

"Good work," said Trent. "To the Mt Pleasant cemetery."

"Yes, sir." They both got in the car and sped off through the night. As they went Trent wrapped himself is a scarlet poncho and a mask to cover the top portion of his face.

They arrived a short time later and Trent emerged from the car as the Scarlet Avenger. Slowly he walked through the cemetery looking for men digging. He saw a few in the distance and approached them quietly.

The men digging were so intent on the task in front of him, they failed to hear him approach. Quietly the Scarlet Avenger drew out two guns. "That's enough digging, boys. Toss your guns up here and climb out of the hole."

The men froze and looked at each other. They turned around and tried to rush him but the Avenger was faster. Gas came of each of his weapons, putting the thugs to sleep.

Quickly the Scarlet Avenger tried up the grave robbers and left.

This next morning, the caretaker found the men sleeping and called the police.

The Union American ran the story.

The crooks claim it was the Scarlet Avenger who caught them. The police are not so sure and have a warrant out for his arrest.

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