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Hotel room in Miami

"Uhh fuck Ddot," a girl moaned

DD heard everything on the other side of the door. He was actually hurt by that. Tonight him and Ddot had an incredible concert and he thought that they would just have time alone.

But obviously Ddot had other plans.

DD stepped back as the door opened, two girls walked out the door and then Ddot appeared.

"Why you look like that?" Ddot asked

"No reasin. Have fun?" DD asked

"Yep. I haven't had a threesome in forever," Ddot joked

"You up for a pool trip?" DD asked

"Yeah," Ddot said

Him and DD walked down to the pool outside. They both got in the water and were only inches away from each other.

"I'm surprised you're in here. You know you act like a girl who can't get her hair wet," Ddot said

"Nigga shut up. I'm not like that anymore," DD said

"Hmm, you been working out?" Ddot asked

"Yeah. I um felt too skinny and boney" DD said

"You're fine to me," Ddot said pulling DD closer

Tension was there again. Just like before.

Ddot closed the gap between them and kissed DD. Sparks were flying between them as they kissed. Slowly forgetting about reality both of them kissed each other harder.

DD just submitted to Ddot. He was loving every second of the kiss.


"No don't answer that," DD said

"I'll just check," Ddot said

He swam over to where his phone was and saw that it was one of the girls from earlier calling. He answered the call, she left her necklace at his room. Ddot dried off and went back to the hotel, leaving DD clueless.

Ddot and the girl were back in his room.

"Found it," she said

"Wait, I want you to stay," Ddot said quickly

The girl smiled brightly at those words.

DD was still in the pool but he could see in Ddot's room. He saw Ddot and the girl kiss, then Ddot stepped out to the balcony where he made eye contact with DD. Ddot felt a twinge in his chest seeing DD.

"Ddot you have condoms right?" She asked

"Uh yeah," Ddot said walking back in his room

DD watched the curtains close and his heart broke at that moment.

Next day

The boys and their friends were out at breakfast. DD and Ddot sat very far away from each other. It surprised their friends, especially Dudeylo, he wasn't used to it.

"I don't mean to sound rude but who are you?" Jay asked looking at the girl next to Ddot

"Damn Jay," Ddot said

"I'm Karissa but everyone calls me Kari," she said

"You and Ddot dating?" Dudeylo asked

"Yeah," Kari said looking at Dd

"I'm no longer hungry. I'll see y'all at the interview thing," DD said leaving

"What's his problem?" Kari asked

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