Chapter One: The Incident

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[< Hinata's POV >]

I walked on to the court, hoping to win. Karasuno High and Aobajosai High were playing against each other. This was Karasuno's last game until the finals. Everyone on the team wanted to win to get to the finals, and so did the other team.

The game started. Everyone was in position. The other team was first to serve, which lead to getting the a point right off the bat. The first game ended with my team wining. The second game was nearly over before they knew it. Both schools were tied with 24 points each. Everyone was on edge, nervous, they needed to win. Oikawa blocked Tanaka's spike, nearly scoring the winning point for his team, but Sawamura saved it and it was still playable. Kageyama tossed it to me and I spiked it, and scored the winning point.

Everyone on my team cheered, as the other team stood in shock looking in the direction to where I stood to spike. I had wiped out of the court just like I did last year when I played this school. Though last year I got back up and back to the game, but thus time, I didn't get up. I hit my back off the wall, which knocked the wind out of me, and it the back of my head off the wall, making me lose consciousness. I just lied there on the side of the court, unconscious.

"SOME TEAM YOU ARE!" Someone from the Aobajosai team, which sounded like Kindaichi Yutaro, yelled. I could tell that the Aobajosai team members came over to me and not my team 'cause I could tell their voices apart.

"Move!" I heard Kageyama's voice. "Hinata?" I heard it again. "Hinata!? Hinata!!" He end close to yelling. "Hinata! Come on wake up! Hinata..." his voice was quiet.

I couldn't see anything. Everything was dark. I was in a dark room all alone. Then the floor changed to the floor of the volleyball court. Everyone was laughing. At me. My team mates, the other team, the crowd, everyone. What shocked me was seeing Kageyama laughing at me as well. I was on my knees, tears streaming down my face. Then I was left alone in the darkness again. I still heard them laughing at me, but it wasn't as loud it just sounded like they were laughing from a distance. But, someone appeared in front of me. Kageyama. He was laughing at me. Once he disappeared, his laugh echoed through my head.

I coughed and my eyes shot open. I sat up a little to fast meaning me cough more. I took in my surroundings to see that I was in a hospital room. In one of the chairs that was  in the room for visitors to sit, sat Kageyama. His knees were brought to his chest and he was hugging him. His forehead rested on his knees.

"K-Kage-yama..." I managed to say. His head shot up and he stared right at me. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. He sighed in relief and ran to me, hugging me. "K-KAGEYAMA?!" I said surprised at his actions.

"I'm glad your ok..." he said. He cried into Hinata's shoulder.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." I said trying to calm my friend that was crying (which I never thought he wound).

"Take... Take it easy next time ok! I was afraid you'd never wake up!"

"Kageyama... I'm ok... don't... don't cry..."

He parted from Hinata and whipped his eyes. He blushed. "S-sorry..." he said a bit embarrassed.

I laughed. "Its ok..."

"Are you sure your all right... you whipped out pretty badly..."

"I'm sure!"

After two days, I was out of the hospital and able to play volleyball again. But coach Ukai Keishin said I have to sit out for the finals. I'd be on the side lines while Asahi took my place. I didn't really mind but I didn't really like it either.

The game was almost done between Karasuno High and Nekoma High. Some of the players from Nekoma shouted insults at my friends which I didn't really like. The score was 24 to 24 just like it was when Karasuno went up against Aobajosai. Asahi had hurt his wrist pretty badly so I ha  to take his place as a spiker. Nekoma served, nearly getting them the last point, but before the ball had even touched the ground, Tsukishima saved it. Kageyama tossed it to me. I was nervous but managed to score the winning point for Karasuno High. Everyone on my team cheered and hugged me. Kageyama was even smiling and laughing. He hugged me and I returned it with another. With that, Karasuno High took home the winning trophy.

[< Well I hope you liked the first Chapter! I'll update the second chapter tomorrow!!! >]

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