Chapter 7

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After an hour of walking around the mall me and Jun decided to go home, “i think we should go home now, I'm kinda tired” I said to Jun “yea sure, we can go home” Jun said.

We walked to the parking spot and got in Jun's car,, Jun started the engine and drove home, once we arrived I immediately walked to my room so that I can take a bath before sleeping, it's only 7pm but I'm already too tired to eat dinner.

“hey Hao are you not going to eat dinner?” jun asked from the other side of my door “no I'm full and I'm tired so I'll just take a shower and sleep” I said “oh okay, sweet dreams” he said “yea thanks, you too” I said back.


*In the morning*

*Jun's POV*

I woke up because my alarm went off, it's 6 in the morning and I got up from my bed and walked to the bathroom with my bath robe to take a bath.

Once I was done showering I walked down stairs and I started preparing for our breakfast, after a few minutes I was finished and I walked to minghao's room to call him so that we could eat breakfast, “hey Hao, wake up it's already 6:30” I said, when I didn't hear any response I figured his still asleep so I walked inside his room and sat beside his bed “hey Hao wake up” I said in a soft voice while trying to wake him up.

“hmm” Hao said half awake “its time to eat, I already made our breakfast” I said “ill be there in 5 minutes I'll just get ready” he said, I just nodded.

After 5 minutes he walked downstairs and sat across me “so any plans today?” he asked “ actually I have to go to the company today, dad called me while I was preparing the food and told me I have to go to the company” I said “can I come?” he asked “are you sure?, you might get bored there” i asked “ yea of course, I have my phone on me I could just play games if I'm bored” he said “well then okay you can come” I said, after that conversation we just ate and once we finished minghao insisted that he wash the dishes so that I could get dress.

After me and minghao got dressed we walked to the car so I can drive to the company, after a few minutes of driving we have arrived as t the company, once we got out of my car one of the employee immediately walked to me to get my keys so he could park it, after I gave him my keys he drove the car to the parking lot and me and minghao walked in, “good morning Mr Moon and Mr Xu” one of our employee greeted us “good morning Ms Kim” minghao greeted back while I just looked at her, “ let's go minghao" I said.

We walked to the elevator and got in, once we arrived at the 3rd floor we got out of the elevator and walked to my father's office, once we got there I knocked and my father told us to come in.

“ You're here" my father said “ what do you need dad?" I asked him  “ I have important things to talk you about ” he said “ what is this about?” I asked him “ it's a private matter so I'm sorry minghao but you can't hear our conversation” he said “ oh, it's okay uncle I can wait outside ” Hao said “ don't call me uncle, just call me dad since you will be my son in law after a few days” my dad said “ oh, okay then dad” Hao said with a smile, “so what do we need to talk about dad?” I asked him “minghao could you please walk outside for a moment ” my father said “sure dad ” Hao said then walked outside.

“ Do you remember Mr Lee? ” my dad started the conversation “ you mean your biggest competitor? Of course why?” I asked “ well they sent me a letter saying that if we don't stop the company they will attack us ” he said “ and why are you worried about that? We're literally the most powerful mafia in the world, there no need to worry for that ” I said “ I'm not worried of their attack, I'm worried because minghao might get involved since he's marrying you ” he said “ and why would they involve minghao into this? ” I said “ well remember you rival, Lee Heeseung their son? ” he asked “yea, what about him? " “ well Minghao and Heeseung was together for 2 years before minghao broke up with him " dad said “ so you're telling me their going to involve minghao into this because of Heeseung and Minghao's past relationship? " I said “ yea, that's pretty much it, so you have to protect him ” he said “ I'll protect him no matter what " I said “ that's good ” he said.

After that discussion I said to minghao that we should go home since it's not safe for him to be outside and he agreed, once we got home we decided to watch an anime since we have nothing to do, we watched watched a few episodes of the avatar the last Airbender until it was already time to prepare our lunch, I was going to do it but minghao insisted that he do it this time so I let him.

Hello everyone sorry for updating so slow I'm super busy with my studies atm I'm really sorry 😿

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