Chapter Four: Caution

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Trophy woke up at 6:30 am, with an evil grin on his face. Knowing that Lightbulb was gone and had managed to trick Knife once more - hah. He was so unbelievably stupid.

He got out of bed, tip-toeing outside the tent trying not to wake anyone up. He zipped open the tent to find...

"Hello, there."
"GgggAAAAah - Knife?! What are you doing here?"
Knife held up a photo back when Trophy blackmailed him. Knife's shocked face, trying to look away while holding up his doll.

"The dora doll. Ya gonna fix it?" He asked as he pointed to the doll on the photo.
"Y-yeah. Where's the doll you want me to fix?"

Knife didn't answer. He just menacingly stared at the golden statue while tapping his foot.
"........You don't know how to fix it, do you?"

"Uh, I-"
"Answer. The. Question."

"Okay, FINE! I don't know how to fix stuff OKAY?!"
Knife kept a straight face, and his eyes narrowed.

"So you're saying...I killed that girl for nothing."
"W-well, who else was I supposed to ask to kill Lightbulb?!"
"Literally anyone else."

Knife started stomped toward him in anger.

"What are you gonna call me, an idiot?!"
"You ARE an idiot! Haven't you learned from what happened last time?!"
"Just ignore that. Haven't you heard about The Legend of the Red Mist?!"
"You mean that stupid myth back in elementary school?"

"YES! And it's not a stupid myth! It's true! I've heard stories about it! All those objects that the mist that went physcopathic because of it?!"
"Wow, who even raised you?! You really believe stupid lies like these?"

"Well, you don't NEED to believe it! But trust me, you're gonna regret it."
Knife walked away from Trophy, but he just rolled his eyes. He had no remorse for tricking Knife or what he did to Lightbulb.

"iT's nOt a StUpid myTH, it's TrUeEE - HAH! How pathetic of him to believe a silly fairytale like that...there is no ABSOLUTE way that objects going physcopathic REALLY happened..."


"I'm gonna roam around for a bit."


Trophy walked into a forest right next to the cliff Lightbulb was lured to. That's when it occurred to him - he was gonna see that pathetic, helpless body of that electric object.

He smirked at the thought of that.

He roamed through the pine and oak trees as he kept stepping on the countless twigs on the grass.
And then he got to the open area.

"I wonder what the corpse looks like..." He snickered.

He walked to the open area, but there was...nothing...? Only her shards were laid there.
"HUH?" Trophy exclaimed in confusion. "The f##k?!...what is this sorcery?"

He looked around, pretty concerned, but when he found nothing, he was kinda...unhinged.
I mean, there IS evidence that Lightbulb fell here...but the body? Nothing.

Trophy gulped.

"Okay, that's weird." He insisted. "HEY, WHERE ARE YOU, BODY HIDER?! THIS AIN'T FUNNY!"
He searched the entire area for what seemed like an hour, but still couldn't find the body hider, if there was any...

That's when he discovered a grey cave clung to the side of the cliff - it was rocky, and the top of the cave looked unstable. Yellow caution tape blocked the entrance, with labels all across reading KEEP OUT. Upon seeing that, it would make any object want to stay away from the cave. But this is TROPHY we are talking about. He's pretty overconfident.

"Why the hell is there caution tape here? Maybe they assume someone as strong as me can't face the obstacles in that cave...but NOPE! They are wrong! I'm so strong, I'm pretty sure the sun can't even burn me alive-OKAY, ENOUGH MONOLOUGING!"

Trophy sneakily ducked under the caution tape and entered the darkness of the cave.

But that was a wrongful choice.




Also this is so bad 💀

Srry this chapter was kinda short hopefully the next one will be a bit longer!!

And we will be seeing the Bright Lights trio again too :D

Okay see ya!!! Byeeeee

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