chapter 3 assimilation

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Interrogater "what?"

IS agent "well I decided to have that little girl get interviewed by a professional physiologist"

Interrogater "why? They're my prisoners"

IS agent "yes however we are going to hold off on that until they are both evaluated"

Interrogater "do you honestly believe this whole Amnesia lie?"

IS agent "I'm better at people then you are comrade inspector"

Inspector "so be it then but why may I ask?"

IS agent  "that is not for you too know"

Inspector "they are my-"

IS agent "you will do as your told inspector or I'll have to do something neither of us will enjoy understand?"

Inspector "yes comrade"

IS agent "good now go do something I'll talk to you after I see the doctors diagnosis"

The inspector walked off

The IS agent stayed behind waiting for the doctor to be done with the two girls

Some time later

IS agent "so doctor what are the results?"

Doctor "well the have amnesia as far as I can tell"

IS agent "are you sure?"

Doctor "yes comrade the only thing they remember are themselves and each other"

IS agent "perfect"

Doctor "perfect?"

IS agent "I'll take it from here doctor you can go now"

The doctor walks off just for the inspector to come

"So what are the results?"

IS agent "they have amnesia"

Inspector "really? Are you sure they didn't trick the doctor?"

IS agent"I'm sure and now I am placing them  in my custody"

Inspector "what why!?"

IS agent "asking questions are unhealthy inspector you will see eventually"

Inspector "of course comrade" he said a bit nervous

IS agent "good now send them to the ministry of internal  security building I'll be waiting for them" he said before walking off

Inspector "of course"

Weiss POV

I was alone after that doctor left I guess he was trying to see if anything was wrong with us I guess but something was wrong with that interrogater he was extremely rude

Then He came back but with two men with guns. He disconnected my handcuffs from the desk

Interrogater "you are coming with us" he said to me

I got up and followed him out of the room as she did she noticed that the girl she somehow recognized was here

Ruby Rose was her name and that's all she knew

As me and the girl were being escorted through the hallway escorted by guards we eventually made it to a garage  like area with vehicles with one of them having the back doors open

Guard "inside now" he said pushing his gun into my back he cold barrel touching my skin

Me and Ruby got into the back of the vehicle a van I think and sat in the seats inside with two guards sitting inside with us and two in the front

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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