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3rd Pov

On a night of a full moon in the northern water tribe we see a woman in labor with her husband and three healers

"One more push sweet Luna". Said Àoro(Kuro father)

"Ahhh". Yelled Luna(Kuro mother)

"It's a boy". Said the lead Healer

"Is he okay"? Asked Àoro

The healers try everything in there power to help the baby.

"I'm afraid your baby my not make it". Said the lead Healer

"Please is there anyway we can save him"? Asked Luna

"There is one we can take him to the spirit Oasis and pray to the spirits to help him". Said the lead Healer

The parents nodded there heads and followed the healer's.

The five of them arrived at the spirit Oasis.

Luna and Àoro pray to the spirit of the moon and the spirit of the ocean to save there baby.

The lead healer puts the baby boy into the spirit water and after a second light of the moon shines on the baby boy as his hair turns white and the baby boy opens his bright blue eyes and he starts crying.

The lead hands him to his parents and his mom rocks him gently.

"What shall we name him my love"? Asked Àoro

"I like the name Kuro what do you think"? Asked Luna

"It's perfect". Said Àoro

A month later

Luna and Àoro decided to move to the south pole to Southern water tribe with Kuro.

Once they get there Àoro see's his good friend Tonraq and his wife Senna.

"Tonraq old friend how have you all been"? Asked Àoro

"Things been good you"? Asked Tonraq

"They have been great oh this is my wife Luna and my mouth old son Kuro". Said Àoro

Tonraq and Senna look at the baby boy amazed about his hair and eyes.

"Who's this little one"? Asked Luna pointing at the baby in Senna arms

"This is Korra our daughter she is also a month old". Said Senna

"Haha are kids are going to be great freinds". Said Àoro and Tonraq

Timeskip 2 years later

3rd pov

"Kowwa lwook wad me can do(Korra look what I can do)".

As Kuro said that he bended water.

"Wow dhad's so cool kuwo(wow that's so cool Kuro)". Said Korra

Korra starts doing the same until they were called to come inside.

Kuro was running around away from Korra until.

"Roar got you now". Said Àoro

"Dadda you scawed me(dad you scared me)". Said Kuro

"I'm sorry my boy now let's get something to eat and get you and Korra to bed". Said Àoro

"Okay". Said Kuro

After Korra and Kuro got done eating they were taken to bed.

Tonraq and Àoro stayed up to talk.

"Hey Tonraq can ask you something"? Asked Àoro

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