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YOON JEONGHAN(29), Criminal Lawyer under TAESHIN Law firm, Seoul.

CHOI SEUNGCHEOL(29), Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy, HANYANG University, Seoul.


Jeonghan despised phone calls during his work hours. They not only disrupted his flow but also annoyed him to no end.

So, when his assistant barged in during an important meeting with a client, his face tense and his phone blaring, Jeonghan's blood boiled with anger. He had been toiling away on a new case for over eighteen hours straight, without even stepping out of his office. The relentless grind had forced him to sleep on the couch in his cabin, and the last thing he needed was a pointless interruption.

As the meeting with his client dragged on, he could feel a dull throbbing pain building up in his forehead. Despite the discomfort, he tried to remain professional and focused on the conversation, but his hand involuntarily twitched, itching to rub his temples for some relief.

When his assistant tried to intervene, he waved them away, determined to see the meeting through to the end.

"Mr.Yoon, It's from Seungcheol-ssi!"

Jeonghan's eyes went wide and he grabbed the phone. His husband had a strict policy when it came to contacting him during work hours.

Unless it was a matter of utmost importance, he refrained from calling and opted for texting instead. This was a mutually agreed-upon arrangement, as they both valued each other's professional priorities and did not wish to disrupt each other's workflow unnecessarily.


"Is this the emergency contact of Seungcheol Choi?" Instead of his husband's sweet voice, a middle-aged lady's mechanical voice greeted him.

"Ye-yes, I'm his husband."Jeonghan was starting to get scared.

"This is the Chung-Ang University Hospital. Patient Seungcheol Choi has been admitted to the hospital after he fainted at his work. His colleagues-"

As he jumps up from his seat, the sounds of the ongoing conversation in the room start to fade away. In his haste, he stumbles over his own feet and accidentally knocks over stacks of papers and files from his desk.

Despite the chaos unfolding around him, he doesn't take a moment to tidy up or even inform his current client of his abrupt departure. At this moment, his world is consumed by concern for Seungcheol and nothing else matters.

As soon as Jaehyun, his faithful assistant, noticed how pale Jeonghan's face had become, he quickly took over the driving.

Jaehyun and Jeonghan had a special bond that went beyond the usual employer-employee relationship. They were more like brothers, having been through thick and thin together. With Jaehyun at the wheel, Jeonghan could relax and focus on regaining his strength.

Jeonghan was in a state of panic when he received the call informing him that his husband Seungcheol had been admitted to the hospital.

Despite the hospital being ten minutes away, they were able to reach it in a mere five minutes, thanks to the breakneck speed at which his assistant was driving, urged on by Jeonghan's desperation.

Although they may have flouted a few traffic rules along the way, Jeonghan was oblivious to it all, his only concern being the health of his beloved spouse.

After the car came to a halt, Jeonghan hastily stepped out, expressing his gratitude to Jaehyun for the ride and instructing him to drive the car back to the office.

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