꧁ VI ꧂

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The Terror of the Deep was a tough opponent. Because it remained hovering in the air, the party had to rely on Aerith, Lailah, and Barret due to their long range attacks. Tifa, Cloud, and Red used their materia when they could, but they needed to knock the monster out of the sky.

The party quickly dodged when the sea creature lunged toward them. It blasted a powerful stream of water at them. Everyone but Aerith and Barret were able to dodge. Hearing their screams of pain, Lailah conjured a storm of lightning bolts that struck the monster over and over again. It interrupted its attack as it shrieked and wriggled in pain.

Once the sea creature was forced back, the shapeshifter provided healing for Aerith and Barret. They both were grateful for her help and had even more energy when they rejoined the battle.

Cloud managed to jump into the air and slash at the monster when it descended to the dock in order to snap at them again. He was able to deliver a couple of heavy strikes before having to dodge another incoming attack.

Suddenly, the Terror of the Deep unleashed a new attack to switch tactics. Cloud was taken by surprise when he was at the receiving end of the attack and found himself trapped inside a water cell.

"Go get SOLDIER boy!" Barret yelled to Lailah. "I'll cover ya!"

The snowy-haired girl turned her attention to the water cell Cloud was trapped in. Making sure not to harm him, she used a fire spell that broke the water cell. She smiled at him when he glanced at her. "Glad you're back with us."

"Thanks," Cloud replied.

They both returned to the fight and were able to deal even more damage to the sea creature.

After having suffered from a heavy blow, the sea creature flew higher into the air.

Tifa lowered her fists. "What now?!"

The monster dove into the water below. The group searched for the sea creature, wondering what it was going to do next. Seeing the water below the dock beginning to swirl, they quickly backed away as a waterspout formed.

"Watch the water!" Cloud warned as smaller spouts of water shot upward around the larger spout.

Lailah, while running around and dodging the sprays of water while fighting against the pull of the waterspout, caught a glimpse of the sea creature in the center of the swirling column of water. She threw both of her chakrams that were infused with ice. The curved blades soared through the air and made contact with the waterspout. The column of spinning water froze and so did the monster located inside of it.

As the ice broke, the Terror of the Deep flopped down onto the dock. It had successfully been staggered. The group didn't hold back and delivered blow after blow, dealing a heavy amount of damage to the sea creature.

By the time it recovered, it only had a little bit of life in it. However, that didn't stop it from attacking. It continued to lunge and blast water at them until it realized it wouldn't be able to win. Before it could be killed, the sea creature quickly dove into the water and tried to swim away.

Just before Cloud could pursue the monster, Lailah beat him to it. She disappeared in a wisp of shadows and appeared on the water's surface just behind the fleeing monster. Switching her chakrams for her spear, she channeled a large amount of mako and swung the weapon. A large, powerful blade of wind sliced through the water and cleaved the sea monster in two. It was dead in an instant, its body sinking to the bottom of the sea.

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