The beginning

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Chapter one

                                      Renee POV
Jesus I thought to myself another day in another prison my home and now school. As I walked downstairs I saw my mother making breakfast and I saw my dad sitting on his bum ass I walked to the kitchen to grab my laptop and a piece of toast so I didn't have to deal with him. "Good morning honey" said my mother I nodded to her then my father said "say it back Renee" I stood there and stared him down because it was too early for his shit. I walked away and grabbed my keys before I saw my little brother begging my dad for money but being denied each time. "Cmon Austin I'll give you a ride and some money" I told him, Austin is why I'm alive because he's my joy and happiness he's 10. As we walked to my car he grabbed my hand; "Sissy why is dad so mean about money", "Well he's a damn bum" I replied. "Cmon get in so we can get to school" The ride there was fine but fuck my life I saw so many weirdo's after I took Austin to his class I walked into the high-school "Last year you ready!" Sera jumped out and yelled in front of me "Jesus shit you scared me" I walked to my locker ignoring her because she's to loud to deal with in the morning "Cmon don't be grumpy!" She said "I'm not grumpy. It's to early for this" "Be happpyyy its our last yearrr" then before I could answer the bell rang "See ya later Sera" I said while walking away. First class of the day PE, fuck I have to be with sweaty fucks yay as I walked I noticed a new girl, something about her dragged me to stare at her. She was so beautiful she was tall, dark skin, beautiful black hair that was down to the middle of her back, her pretty brown eyes looked back at me I turned my head out of embarrassment then I felt someone grab my shoulder. "Sup Nay" Zaria said "Hey Zaria!" I smiled, Zaria is my best friend. Her and Sera are "You staring hard at the new kid" she said in a mocking tone "Um yea she's new so duh im gonna stare" I replied as I sat my bags down I heard Zaria scream "HEY NEW GIRL!" I turned around so fast and covered her mouth with my hand "Shut the fuck up!" I scolded her. But it was to late the new girl walked to us, shit I thought to myself I look weird as hell. I removed my hand from her mouth. "My name is Steph, but hi!" She said in a respectful but rude tone. "Im Zaria and this is Renee!" I waved awkwardly "Hi Zaria and Renee it's lovely to meet you" We made eye contact for what felt like for ages but it was cut short because the late bell rang. Then I heard the whistle it was Mr. Davidson. This man is a perv god he just starts at our tits and doesn't care if he's caught. Him and Zaria have been at war for the past 3 years. Zaria has tired to get him fired a lot but our school is very short staffed so they won't fire him. Also this dude makes us girls do jump jacks and whatever makes our tits move but the boys just sit their on they lazy asses probably in a jerk circle. "Renee James?" Mr Davidson calls out "I'm here you're staring at me." Just had to make sure sweetheart." That made me cringe so bad I gave Zaria a disgusted look then I heard her full name for the first time. " Stephanie Matthews?" "Here sir!" His next line makes Zaria giggle he does this all the time to new kids "Your looking to young to be a senior honey" she just stared at him like what the fuck. I zoned out while starting at her I was day dreaming about getting the hell out of here. I was scared out of my day dream by Mr Dickson saying it's a free day. So I went and sat down where I always sit in the back of the gym under the bleachers so I don't get hit by a ball or some shit. Zaria and I are always in the same PE, Sera was with us last year which was good because my only two friends were with me but this year I had Zaria and the new girl. Zaria dragged her along with us and we sat and talked for the whole hour getting to know her. Then the bell rang to dismiss us to our next class. My next class was reading I actually enjoy reading a lot I love Ms Taylor she's super sweet, Zaria and I have the same schedule basically but Sera and the new girl are in there too so that's pretty fun I guess. As I grabbed my stuff I saw him Mason Bradly the hottest guy in our school. He looks like a mole rat in my opinion but Zaria is inlove hard with him; "Oh my god!, oh my god!!!" Zaria exclaimed "Oh boy here we go" I said sarcastically. Steph looked at him with disgusted and confusion; "Why is he ugly but hot at the same time?" She stated "Nah he's just ugly" I said replying to her. I dragged Zaria to our next period. "MY BESTIES!" Sera ran up and hugged me and Zaria. "Oh who's this!" She questioned "I'm Steph!" I looked her while her and Sera talked about random shit I don't even know what they were saying I was so focused her on. Zaria said "Hey guys! Let's go find a table to sit at?, Hm?"
"Good idea" I said, so we found a table in the back of the classroom with Sera's boyfriend Maddox. He's a chill dude so he's kind of my friend; "Hey who's the new chick?" He asked "I'm Steph and you?"; "Maddox" The late bell rang once again but instead of talking to them I stared at her while she payed attention to Ms Taylor. Before I knew it the bell had rang. The rest of school day went on like that. Finally school is out and I walked to pick up Austin; "Hey kiddo how was school?" I asked him "It was good! We learned about each other and I met a girl named Addy! She's nice" I grabbed his hand and as I was walking to my car I saw her again. But this time she came up to me and said "Hey, Can you give me a ride home please?"; "Yea of course!" As we got into my shitty truck I had to kick her door open I was so embarrassed but then she gave me her address and I drove her home. "Thanks Nay" she smiled and left a paper on my dashboard as she left my truck and went into her home. I drove home and grabbed the paper and went straight to my room, As I opened the paper I saw hearts around her number it said "Call me anytime xoxo" I fell back into my bed wondering if I really liked her already...

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