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It was just a regular day with Team RWBY. Blake was reading, and minding to herself. Weiss was studying. Ruby and her sister were playing with games. Blake and Yang were being friends. Blake secretly had feelings for Yang, she was scared to admit to her. She thought that soon it was the time to do it. But she was also worried about how Yang would feel about her.

Blake spent some time with Ruby. She even went out of her way to spend some time with her. They even went to visit Sun in town. They visited Blake's favorite Tea restaurant. Including visiting the library.

Everything was going fine throughout the day. Blake was smiling and happy with Ruby. All of sudden Weiss was being judgemental about the Faunus. The sisters were of course not happy about this. They knew what happened the last time Weiss did this and they knew how it made Blake angry. So they tried to ease the situation unfortunately it escalated into another racial fight.

"What did you just say?"

"Weiss, how could you say that!"

"What? Everyone knows it's the truth."

"Okay, that doesn't make it okay for you to say that!"

"Say what? That the Faunus are pure evil which they are."


"Oh, please you're only saying that because-"



"You haven't changed one bit. You're still the same!"


"Blake, wait!"

The door slammed hard. Ruby of course gave Weiss a look. Weiss didn't care, she just looked away. 

"Weiss we just had this conversation. And you had to mention the fight again. I thought we were done with this?"

"Oh, whatever."

"Weiss get-"

The sisters just sighed and sat next to each other. Blake was just having a good day until Weiss ruined it.

"You wanna go get her? Or should I?"

"No, let her get some air. She'll calm down. I'll talk to Weiss."

Ruby sighed in exhaustion. She fell back on her bed. And thought about Blake.


Blake left the school to get some air. She had tears down her eyes. She thought Weiss wasn't going to mention this argument ever again. She thought they were both over it. But it seems that she was wrong about her. She thought that Weiss had changed. She started to think about how was she ever going to forgive her again?

Blake was alone by herself on the street. She took off her bow until someone showed up. Someone she was hoping to never see again.

"What has the kitty so upset?"

Blake gasped and looked up at the lights. She recognized the voice. It was her former-mentor, Adam Taurus. She took out her Gambol Shroud in defense.

"That racist Schnee did something wrong to you?"

"Why do you care?"

"It's just a question!"

"What do you want, Adam?"

"Calm down. I'm not here to pick a fight."

"I doubt that you-"

In the blink of an eye, Adam kissed Blake lovingly on the lips. His girlfriend moaned. He then whispered into her ears.

"I told you. I'm not here to pick a catfight, my love."

Blake looked at him with tears in her eyes. Adam caressed her cheek. Blake just hugged him close and closed her eyes. Adam held onto Blake and sped off with his semblance.

Minutes later Blake woke up and saw Adam next to her. He smiled and approached her. Blake blushed and returned the smile. They were in his tent at the White Fang.

"Did you miss me, love?"

"Yes, Adam. I missed you."

"What had you so upset?"

"Weiss and her racial remarks about the Faunus. I thought we were past it. I thought she changed. But she didn't!"

Adam sighed, he saw a tear down her cheek. Adam started to removed his shirt. He could smell her heat from here. Blake blushed so hard.

"What are you?"

Adam groped her breasts. Blake gasped and moaned again. She stared at Adam's shirtless body. Blake reached all the down to Adam's groin. His member was already hard. Adam removed her clothes.

Blake bent down and took his member in her mouth. Adam gasped and looked up. Blake moaned and sucked him off. Adam patted her head. Blake was sweating as much as Adam was. Blake continued sucking until Adam blew his load on her face. Blake was panting. But they weren't done yet.

Adam laid her down on his bed. Blake continued to let out small moans. She gasped as Adam entered his cock into her clitoris. Blake wanted to move him. But he took her hand before she could do anything. Blake moaned out loud as he thrusted into her. Luckily for them they were in a soundproof location, where no one could hear.

Adam silenced her with a kiss. Blake held onto her breast and began pleasuring herself. Blake breathed slowly as Adam cummed into her.

Blake moaned again as they frenched kissed. Adam removed his cock from her. Blake moaned as she felt his two fingers enter her clit. She gasped and moved her head left and right.

"Does it feel good, my love?"

"Yes, Adam. It feels so good!"

Adam just smiled. And reinserted his cock into her pussy. He pumped in and out of her with a swift. Blake was enjoying it. She knew her friends were looking for her but she didn't really care.

Blake screamed as Adam came into her once again. Adam then removed his cock. He gasped as she continued to suck him off. His girlfriend moaned into the blowjob. Adam caressed her face. He took her head and pumped her all the way onto him. Blake was soon choking on his semen Adam released her. He then squirted all over her. Blake then fell on his bed.

Adam smiled looking down at Blake. Blake was nearly knocked unconscious. He layed her on the bed. They then slept. Blake knew her teammates were looking for her. But she didn't care. All she wanted was Adam. She slept calmly hearing his steady heartbeat.

"I love you, Blake. I forgive you."

"I love you too, Adam. And thank you."

Blake spent that night with Adam. She didn't want to leave for a single moment. Although her scroll was ringing she didn't even bother to pick up. She then snuggled Adam's chest. Although they had differences in the White Fang. She still missed her boyfriend. Blake blushed as she felt a kiss on her forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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