Chapter 5 - The Academy

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Imagine various Princes seated on the place of students in the picture above


Dakshesh said while gritting his teeth, "This girl doesn't have any fear of dignity left in her. See how arrogantly she is fighting with everyone. Just because she got the space power of level 2 and next in line to the throne of Akashpura, she got too much headweight that she is even bullying her own twin sister infront of others". Agneya looked at the crying girl infront of him and then moved away with Dakshesh to the next classroom.


Agneya and Dakshesh were present in the class for Fire power and the Acharya ji (Master) entered their class. He gave them a book which contained advanced techniques to use the power and also the history of the Fire Kingdom (Agnipura). The Master informed them, "You will have practical classes once a month so that you people won't loose face infront of other class students when challenged in the monthly competition of this Academy". After that he dismissed the class as it is only the first day. The students stood up from their seats and greeted the Master while he left the class.

Everyone went out of the class and wandered in and around the Academy, which was surrounded by natural beauty and shaded Trees. Agneya and Dakshesh were walking out when Agni questioned him about the monthly competition that their Acharya was talking about.

Dakshesh replied, "I have actually seen it as a spectator along with Dadashree (Grandfather) who will be the chief guest every time. It is called as 'Sarvayogita'. All the five classes that is the different powers will participate as five groups and anyone from one group can challenge another person from the other three groups. They cannot challenge the person from their own group. This was actually started to improve team spirit and also friendship among all five Kingdoms. But it has shaped into a competition to prove which power is superior among all".

Dakshesh chuckled and then continued, "Till now, every year, it is either fire or water power which wins the most challenges throughout the year. Rarely any other group has won". Soon they reached the common hall where all the classes are connected.

Similar to them, Other classes also got over and soon the students were swarming the open area. Agneya and Dakshesh were moving out when they met Meghnath who was coming with his official wife. Meghnath asked them, "How was your day? Agni, did you like it?". Agneya nodded at him seriously with a straight face and said, "I just completed my training in one Gurukul and now I'm starting again as a beginner". Meghnath smiled at him and said, "Soon You will master this as well. One year and you will be done here".

Agneya nodded thinking that he should finish everything within this one year and return back to his home. And just then, someone mistakenly collided with Meghnath's wife and before even the person could turn back and apologize, a sudden fire immediately surrounded that person and only subsided by the hand wave of Meghnath. Dakshesh was irked seeing the person who collided with his bhabhishree. Meghnath after steadying his wife, looked at the person and asked calmly, "Are you ok, Rashmi?". She nodded at them both and went away from there quickly.

Dakshesh furiously followed behind her, leaving others behind. Agneya looked on with a frown and saw Meghnath sigh, who then replied his unasked question, "She is Rashmi, Crown Princess of Akashpura. And she is also the sister of Sheela, who Dakshesh loves". Meghnath refrained from giving out more information on this. Agneya nodded in understanding and then asked, "How did this fire suddenly got around her?".

This time Meghnath's wife replied, "Yuvraj Agneya, there was not just fire around her but also the earth where she was standing pulled her feet in and also air circulation was stopped around her within the ring of fire. This all happened within a fraction of seconds because I bear the mark of your brother's soulmate". She showed her wrist to Agni to show a symbol of Trishul imprinted on it. Agni remembered his mother telling about her mark of a star which was formed when his father touched her for the first time when she was a new born baby.

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