Shown Interest

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==Ayanokouji POV==

Sundays are usually given to students as a rest day so today, we have no classes. This is a good opportunity for me to start moving towards my plans. I'm gonna-





["Ayanokouji, if you have time please come to my dorm. I would like to discuss something with you."]

"I'm afraid that I am not free as of now, I have my own plans for today."

["If I may ask, what do you plan on doing today?"]

"I am not obligated to answer that question."

["Okay, I understand. But please inform me when you will be free. It's about Karuizawa"]

"I will, thank you for understanding"


Now where was I...


==Ichinose POV==

I was just peacefully washing my dishes, then my phone suddenly-


Huh? Who could be calling me this early? Amikura? Kanzaki? Or maybe even Shibat-

[Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is calling you!]




"Hello? Ayanokouji?"

["Goodmorning, Ichinose."]

"A-ah, goodmorning!"
Why is he suddenly...

["Could I come over to your dorm? I would like some help with the upcoming tests, I'm not exactly good with history"]

"Of course! But why me? Is Horikita busy?"

["Yes she is, She's pretty busy today so I thought I'd ask you."]

"What about your study groups?"

["My study group is hanging out at the moment. The exam is in 2 weeks so my group doesn't have the sense of urgency yet."]

"Well... I don't blame them, you got to have fun from time to time too!"

["Yes, so can I come over?"]

"I already said yes silly, so what time?"

["Preferably, I would like to come over now."]

So early?!
"Sure, come on over I made some snacks"

["Thank you, Ichinose."]


I wonder why he's so eager to talk to me... did something happen? Well it's no use thinking about it. He's coming over so let me prepare some snacks for him.

(8:00 am)

*knock knock*

As I walked to open the door I felt my heart about to jump I opened the door and greeted him.

"Goodmorning Ayanokouji~"

"Goodmorning, Ichinose."

"Please, come in."

As he walked through the door, I couldn't help but smile. It's just me... and him... alone. In my dorm. Ahhh, this is nerve-racking!

"If you would, my small table is underneath my bed, could you please go and get it so we could start?"


He's definitely here not to study, but to tell me something. For now I'll play along with him and see how it unfolds.

As he settles the table down, so did we.

"Well then, let's get started shall we?"

"I will be in your care."


As we went through our notes, I felt at ease. It was so comfortable. reading our notes from the lectures, Telling occasional stories, reviewing notes to each other, and so on.

Ahh... I wish this will never end, I know that I will never be this happy and comfortable with someone else, I want... Ayanokouji all by myself. But that's impossible. I have already been beaten, if only I would have noticed him alot more sooner then maybe I wouldn't be so sad.

...maybe I just want someone to-



"How's your class?"

"Ah, that... well to be honest our moral is kind of off"

"It's pretty tiring, I'm getting pushed at my limits. And Kanzaki is pretty upset with me, I don't blame him but...



"I know you're not yet done. You still have a lot more to give and a lot more to take."


"Please, come talk to me whenever you feel way."

"...that's dangerous. You already know it right? If I just keep relying on you on my weakest and darkest times... I would fall even harder for you."


I feel it, the tears.



Suddenly, he stood up and embraced me. Now you've done it, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji. You have once again made me fall for you.

He wiped my tears away, and looked at me... those eyes, that sharp gold gaze.

"I will always be here for you."

As tears start forming on my eyes again, he hugged me. It felt so warm. I wish I could have been your girlfriend, Kiyotaka.

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