☆Chapter 1(Charlie's POV)☆

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(Art above by me btw!!)

Ok, so let me get this straight, though I'm the daughter of the two biggest, most professional dimension jumpers of all time, I somehow am the youngest low ranking masky of all time. No matter how many times I trained in White Noise(training dimension) as a little kid I never seemed to get anything right. For now I've just been living a normal life, listening to my favorite bands, drawing, reading comics, watching TV, the typical things a 12 year old would do. But that would all change in this September. I woke up to the ear splitting sound of my alarm and my mom shouting my name from the kitchen. I hopped out of bed and put on an outfit of a striped long sleeve and a blue cat shirt with a pair of purple and blue shorts, a chain, white socks with mary janes and my signature blue and purple cat ears.Not to mention the taped paper that covers up my eye. I forgot to mention that all low rank maskies have one big eye like a cyclops. "Coming mom!" I say heading downstairs. "We have something extremely important to tell you Charlie." My dad says. Or I should say Victor and Emily, they say it's more elegant to call them by their real names. "I'm sure you're aware of the realm of the toons, correct?" Emily says without much of an expression. "Yeah. You guys taught me all the masky stuff only for me not to even be able to jump a single dimension!" I mutter through bites, angrily."Well child," Victor says. "That will indeed change today." He says. I perk up, surprised. "I'm not on clean up duty in White Noise?!" I say enthusiastically. "No Charlie, something much, much greater." Emily says. "Aw man! Just tell me! I'm dying to know!!" I say. "We are sending you on your first mission to the toon realm." Emily says, her face still expressionless. I guess it's the high rank neon and black glasses that cover up the eyes-wait did I hear that correctly?! "But Emily, that's the most dangerous of out of all of the realms ever!" I say surprised. "Yes, we are aware but we thought we could take you there to test your abilities once more to at least see if you have the skills to just merely tell a young boy child, who is about your age, the truth about his family." Victor says this also expressionless. "What's with this guy's family anyway?" I ask. I wish a kid my age would tell me all the shady parts on my parents side. Sheesh. "He lives in a home with his father and younger sister. Or so he thinks. Your mission is to tell the child he is a clone of his father. And as far as we know, his sister supposedly isn't human either."Victor says. "Here's the catch, his father is the owner of a mass company otherwise known as "Membrane Labs." That's why we only know the boy's last name." Emily says. I started to get more interested by the second. I wonder how the actual kid is like! Nice, annoying, or just plain really cool. Victor starts to speak again. "Not to mention how smart he is. With the IQ of 170 he might even teach you a few things, Charlie!" He said. Great. I'm assigned to help a stereotypical nerd. Let's hope he's a nice nerd, otherwise a mean one would suck to help."Here. Take this." Emily hands me a thing that looks quite a lot like a 2DS but with no styler and a single antenna sticking up from the top. "Press these few buttons and you'll be off." Emily explained. "Wait! I should pack first!" I exclaimed while rushing to my room to pack my backpack full of snacks, posters, clothes, etc. I basically packed my whole room except for the TV, the bed frame and mattress, and the fan. As my parents looked annoyed at the mere sight of it all. After packing my backpack(similar logic to a Mary Poppins type bag) with essentially everything in my room, I clicked the buttons on the 2DS knock-off, I felt a weird tingly feeling then was teleported to the inside of a greyscale subway train. I just popped in my earbuds and listened to one of my favorite songs by Tally Hall, Good Day. Because today is starting to be pretty good! It's my first professional dimension jump mission, I might even be the first of my rank to qualify for such a job. You might be wondering "Well Charlie, if you suck at dimension stuff then how did you successfully jump?" Well there my friend is the harsh truth behind the Masky Race. It's that in White Noise, they make you train for battling instead of actually dimension jumping mainly because it's a thing that any dimension jumper could do with just a bit of skill. I learned in a day! I just can't fight so I just clean up White Noise of all the gross bloodshed. My thoughts where interrupted by the sound of a ding, and a robotic voice that said "ATTENTION, all passengers may exit, we have now arrived in the Dimension #4 of the JV UNIVERSE. " Which is a bit weird because I'm the only one on board. Anyways, time to see what this nerd is really like.


Maskys are supposedly within a cat decent, and might even be within the feline family. Though looking extremely human, they can act extremely catlike sometimes. Even growing up to have a tail and ears to match sometimes! Meow!☆

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